Shematic links/data pulls are on here - fixed on DB called "hexagrams" (eamiled 11/27) - follows rotation of 260


Designers: should this image be in a wheel? Please let me know, I'll make it


COLOR ON "SETS OF BLOCKS" are only indicators of sections (so I can communicate content to you) - open to how you want to render - I have no attachment other than its best for reader

Today's Birthright
Today's I Ching Reading including Galactic DNA Activation*
Activate your DNA!
Hexagram Symbol
Hexagram Name
Today's Traditional
I Ching Oracle
Today's Galactic
I Ching Oracle
Galactic DNA Code
Galactic DNA
Upper Trigram
Lower Trigram

day x of 4
(1, 2,3 or 4?)

(Small) This number is the traditional I Ching Hexagram and DNA Code Number

rotating: art/hexagrams

Patti- remade these!
the images that goes in here is from (Hex-Number) from it's "line item" Kin#
Kin1-4 = hex1
Kin5-8=hex 43

Kin129-132 has no image (text is Mystic Void - currently there is no 0 image)


Heaven/Heaven (JL note)

(small) both Trigrams - each block of 3 lines - unify in their meaning

Creative Principle: Vital Spirit of Heaven
(JL note)
(JL Note)

(JL Note)

Creative Genesis
(JL note)


Patti- remade these! the image that goes in here is from (Hex-Number) from it's "line item" Kin#
Kin1-4 = codon1
Kin5-8=codon 43
Kin9-12=codon 44

Kin129-132 has no image (text is Mystic Void - currently there is no 0 image)
(UR- Meaning)
Time Generates Tree
(JL note)



(UR- Meaning)

(small) in Galactic I Ching, each Trigrams - each block of 3 lines - are individually defined so combined into the Hexagram, it has more meaning

*There are 64 Hexagrams and 64 Galactic DNA Codes = Awakening the 64 Codons in Your DNA! The I Ching, The Book of Changes And the Unchanging Truth, is the oldest of Chinese classics (800 BCE).

As most Oracles and divination tools, the I Ching asks you to intuitively decipher it's rich and profound insights. (I've gained much from integrating it's wisdom since long before my first Feng Shui book was published - 1975). The Galactic I Ching with it's interconnected DNA Activation Code is metaphoric too. Like all multi-dimensional fractals of wholeness in Galactic Spirt, Traditional Chinese Hexagrams and Galactic I Ching are offered for Free Choice transformations.

Go Deep! Because there is no historic precedence, let's Activate our DNA (and evolve from 3D into 5D) together! Spend a few minutes FEELing these Living-Codes. Anchor their symbols and intuitive meaning in your Consciousness. Make note if/how it relates to your present-day life, and set intentions for their "angelic help. "In minutes, your DNA is "Activated." Your DNA has been waiting to awaken and knows what to do! ;-) Go about your day as a New, Ever-Evolving Being! I welcome you to dialog your discoveries in commUnity.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- original included content BELOW------------ NOT USED ----- schematic mockup ABOVE -----------------------------

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- original included content BELOW------------ NOT USED ----- schematic mockup ABOVE -----------------------------


New DB draw: rotates on 260 -(see 260Kin_DB-2020 *** JL to write sentence (text-rotation)
PUT THIS ON separate IChing page-for SEOart/hexigrams
() () () ()
Traditional Trigrams   Galactic Trigram
(Tri-Trad-Hex) (Tri-Trad-Meaning) Upper Hexigram
Lower Hexigram

rotates on 260 -(see 260Kin_DB-2020 *** JL to write sentence (text-rotation)


Enrich your Inner Living in Artistry as you
Overcome Duality with your Soul Purity within your 13-day Star Adventure.

Your Physical Self

Solar Moon: How do I Attain my purpose?

Ladies: I-Ching (69,900,000 results) & Trigrams (69,900,000 results) could be Big SEO draw!Think we should use "Traditional content" in FREE and use for SEO. open Galactic for level 3
same for Runes (119,000,000 results)


New DB draw: rotates on 260 -(see 260Kin_DB-2020 *** JL to write sentence (text-rotation)

don't know what image at this time maybe just the 260


(Harmo-Name) (Harmo-Energy)

rotates on 260 -(see 260Kin_DB-2020 *** JL to write sentence (text-rotation)

() () () ()
Traditional Trigrams   Galactic Trigram
(Tri-Trad-Hex) (Tri-Trad-Meaning) Upper Hexigram
Lower Hexigram

rotates on 260 -(see 260Kin_DB-2020 *** JL to write sentence (text-rotation)


(Elder-Name) (Elder-Week) (Elder Glactic Energy)

28-day rotation *** see 28+52_DB-2020


Traditional Energy   Galactic Energy
(Traditional Energy) (Elder Galactic Energy)



(UR Rune)

rotates on 260 -(see 260Kin_DB-2020 *** JL to write sentence (text-rotation)

week (1-52) (52 weeks)

28-day rotation *** see 28+52_DB-2020
may go on castle page


(Season-Gif) (Season)

rotates on 260 -(see 260Kin_DB-2020 *** JL to write sentence (text-rotation)