(FREE) Daily Activations to fast-track Law of Time (Light Codes) - Today's Energy: Limi, Self-Existing Human (Tue February 04, 2025)

Today's Galactic Ed-U-Activations
T.I.P.s = Theory Into PracticeBenefits & 2-minute Suggestions

Enrich your inner Cleansing Flow as you
Synergize Electro-Magnetic Self with your Wise Free-Will within your 13-day Moon Adventure.

Your Mental self

Resonant Moon: How can I Attune my service to others?

Activate Today's Will Chakra and Limi Plasma with Daily Evolutions
Advanced Energies: Daily (Rune) coming soon, Daily (I-Ching) coming soon, Daily (65 Harmonics) coming soon

Today's Special Energies

Rainbow Day
Magic Turtle
Magic Portal OR Power Channel
5th Dimensional Galactic Season
Magic Flight Castle

Detailing Concepts and Applications featured in Activations

"WaveSpells" is an example of the T.I.P.s (Theory Into Practice).
It is currently visible (unlocked without membership) to sample-view the rich and profound teachings and suggestions.

Look below at the T.I.P.s Videos coming soon - Get "Theory Into Practice" Videos FREE for Limited Time!!

Lock Introductory/Fixed Price NOW so you can get T.I.P.s FREE!

Wave/Life Aspirations

Explore 13 days of aspiring deeper Cleansing Flow in Moon Adventure

Sign In for Full T.I.P.s Lessons
Every 13 days offers you 20 Life Aspirations to "Know Thyself." Every new adventure "fast-tracts" your wholeness of Mind, Body and Spirit...and increases synchronistic and telepathic interconnections to others, our planet, and beyond
13 Day ADVENTURE into your Life Aspirations


Enrich Synergize Electro-Magnetic Self accessing your Wise Free-Will from the Human "Seal" within your Adventure of Cleansing Flow.

Today is a -Magic Portal or Power Portal- -"Channled Insights" Message- -Magic Turtle- -5th Dimensional Galactic Season- -Magic Flight Castle- -Mystic Void- -Day Out of Time- Day too!

Activate your Mental Body and deepen with your Will Chakra and Limi Plasma

Sign In for Full T.I.P.s Lessons

Today's video is the Activation Gem!
(at the top of the page) -BIGGER

Accelerate Evolutionary Consciousness!

In only 2 minutes a day, Increase awareness of "multi-dimensional pattens" to fast-track Deeper Spiritual Meaning, Increase Intelligence, Imagination and Creativity, Expand Perceptions and Synchronicities and Activate Telepathy. Use Suggestions

Engage your dimensions every day


Synergize Electro-Magnetic Self with Self-Existing Tone

within aspiring deeper Cleansing Flow in Moon Adventure

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Discover and reflect on EASY Action Steps that simply and progressively Achieves your Life Aspiration Goals.

Each cycle "steps" your focus into Action with New Opportunities, Plans of Action,
Assessments, Manifestation, and Rocking Success!

Evolve into each Life Affirmation, "Thoughts of Action"

Advanced: Overtone Pulsar & Time Dimenions

repetition of dots/octaves

Resonant: Re-Tunning Octave of Lunar? "How is your Plan Going? Does it hold your highest standards for all?"


Activate inner Wise Free-Will from the Human "Seal"
Enrich Synergize Electro-Magnetic Self in your Adventure of Cleansing Flow
Sign in for Full T.I.P.s Lessons

What do YOU want out of Life?

Evolve a better and better YOU!

PM: do bullets make our schematic messy? Bullets ARE easier to read here, yes?

Reach your Life Goals in each Adventure:

  • Discovery (what do you want?),
  • Flow in Spirit (you are an eternal spiritual being)
  • Intuition (receive information beyond you)
  • (you are) Potential & Passion,
  • (develop greater) Vision, Intelligence & Wisdom
  • (you will) Accomplish & Manifest

... and there's:

  • Beauty, Magic and LOVE...

... all Evolving into Enlightenment.

Enrich Life Aspirations (Seal)

mention traditional archetype and show it in "3rd slide"

Power Words

within Today's Yellow Self-Existing Human to expand
Synergize Electro-Magnetic Self with your Wise Free-Will on your Adventure of Discovery

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Today's video is the Activation Gem!
(at the top of the page) -BIGGER

Accelerate Evolutionary Consciousness!

In only 2 minutes a day, Increase awareness of "multi-dimensional pattens" to fast-track Deeper Spiritual Meaning, Increase Intelligence, Imagination and Creativity, Expand Perceptions and Synchronicities and Activate Telepathy. Use Suggestions

Engage your dimensions every day

Galactic Angel

Your Galactic Angels are enriching Today's Magic: Yellow Self-Existing Human

There are 4 "Angel Archetypes" eager to help you. Each Guides, Supports and Strengthens Today's Magic. You even have a Secret Angel!

Oracle helpers, as they are known, can be:

  • Helpful People, for your:
         Whole Life
  • Daily Progress: Guide, Support, Strength. and Magic
  • Times of BEST Daily Action

JL note: Galactic Angels

Guide Support, Support and Strengthening your dimension:


time of day

relationships with people


Progressions of Yellow

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Color deepens the meaning of each of your Life Aspirations. Start with reflecting on what Yellow means within today's Wise Free-Will from the Human "Seal" and Cleansing Flow Adventure.

Colors activate today's Will Chakra andLimi Plasma.

WEEK? Week 1 is red, 2 is white

Time cells: did I do this clearly? (65 harmonics)

Advanced "cycles within cycles:" Color also Initiates, Refines, Transports, Ripens and Synchronizes your Evolving Progress within each 5th Dimensional Galactic Season and Magic Flight Castle. (no rotations)

JL note: Color Progressions

Red: Initiates
White: Refines
Blue: Transports
Yellow: Ripens

Green: Synchronize (castle)


each seal,

each of the 4 weeks, http://www.lawoftime.org/thirteenmoon/tutorial.html

Each of the four weeks has a unique power:
Week 1: (Red) Knowledge Initiates View
Week 2: (White) Humility Refines Meditation
Week 3: (Blue) Patience Transforms Conduct
Week 4: (Yellow) Power Ripens Fruit



Activation of your Mental Plane (your Dimensional Body)

with Today's Magic: Yellow Self-Existing Human

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Planes area the various levels of your Essence. Reflecting on today's Yellow Self-Existing Human, recognize how each Magical Day influences your Physical (3rd Dimensional), Emotional & Mental (4th Dimensional) and Spiritual (5th Dimensional) aspects of YOU ... Evolve Your Multi-Dimensional Self.

JL note: Your Multi-Dimensional Self (plane)

dimension refers different dimensions of your true essence.

mentioned plane in "Daily Magic"

Time Cell (confirm 65 harmomics too.)

Today's Vision Reveals your Expression of through your Connector within your 13-day WorldBridger Adventure

Sign in for Full T.I.P.s Lessons

Galactic Time is not fake (and mentally confusing) calendar time developed to control mankind! Galactic Time is consistent, natural time (that all indegenious people observed with 28-day moon cycle) for ALL to be in harmony with ALL That IS! See Classes for True-Magic Time

JL note: Evolving Progress "time cell"

mentioned plane in Daily Magic"

Detail edits from traditional extrospection HERE


Lots of ways to explore your evolving process: Polars & Castles...Journal every time you go through each, as well as each wave...and even evaluate each day. even through color


Portals & Power Channels

membrane odf a bubble


Portals are multi-dimensional gateways between worlds. There are 52 Portal Days in the 20 Life Aspiration Adventures. Because the "veil is thinner" on this Connector Day, it allows for deeper mediations, more profound and lucid dreams and expanded intuition.


There are 20 even more Magical Portals in the Power Channel!

JL note: Magic Portals

Power Channel

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Power Channels are Magic Portals in groups of 10 in successive days. There are 2 channels specifically in the Passion (Serpent*) and Potential (Seed*) Adventure. There are 10 consecutive days of open portals that provide sustained multi-dimensional energy. Channels are the most powerful days to Expand your deepest Passions and the Potential to Create the Life of Your Dreams!

* BE Passionate about YOU!

Serpent 105-115, Seed 146-155

JL note:

Channelled Insights

"Clear Sign" Messages

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There are 13 days* in the 20 Life Aspiration Adventures. Receive "Galactic Mayan" Messages from Pacal Votan, a Prophetic and Muti-Dimensional Time Traveler.

Voton inscribed Life Aspiration symbols on his tomb to indicate special days he would provide "Channeled Insights" (Clear Signs).

Unlock revelations with close receptivity using all your senses.

* Of course, be open and ready to accept intuitive messages at any time ... Remember, YOU are a Galactic Spirit and a Clear Channels too!

JL note:

Magic Turtle

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Magic Turtle Days occur when the Tone of the Day is the same as the Tone of the Moon, there is DOUBLE Take Action Energies. Example when the Day and Moon are

Magnetic = Double Opportunities
Lunar = Double Create a Plan
Electric = Double Activate Action
... and so on ...
... thru all 13 Tones/Moons ...
Planetary = Double Manifestation
Cosmic = Double "Way to Go!"

Advanced: Pay attention to other Double-Ups for Double Power!

JL note:

5th Dimensional Galactic Season (Polar)

JL note:

Magic Flight Castle

JL note: Stairway to Heaven

Deepen 5 senses (list) as you not only Adventure through your Physical Self (3rd Dimension), Discover how to enrich Sight, Touch, Hearing, Taste & Smell within Mental & Emotional (4th Dimension) and Spiritual (5th Dimension) Bodies

Day Out of Time

JL note:


what is not addressed at this time:


inner planetary orbits

journey of the archetypes

runes (Phase 2?)





TOP --------------http://galacticspirit.com/Activations/Evolutions.php (browser tab: Evolutions)----------------------


PM: IMAGES will be eye catching!!!!
at this time, I don't know how to format IMAGES that will come up for "special days"
Rainbow day (Every Silio) SOUL day - every 28th day

(FREE) Daily Activations to fast-track Law of Time (Light Codes) Tue February 04, 2025 Rotations: Limi, Self-Existing Human
Today's Synchronistic & Telepathic Evolutions (BIGGER)
Benefits & 2-minute Suggestions
PM: every Silio (plasma) is known as "Rainbow Day" and (every Silo-4, 28th day) is a Soul Day...can we do special embeds?

at this time, don't know how to include

Happy Rainbow Day!
Happy Rainbow & Soul Day!

(may have JUST 1 unlocked video explaining) then rotating 28 vids
Login for Daily Activation (popup or goes to login area?) text only if NOT logged in???

FREE to your Email! (PM: will people know to click?)
Get 13-day Cleansing Flow
into Evolving Consciousness Adventure

PM: Rotating Plasma Text, Example:

(center) Target Sensory Awareness with CROWN Chakra & DALI Plasma (rotating Plasma text) for (TEXT)

to explore Pre-Conscious and Profound Samadhi (Mental Sphere)
with Intentional Cosmic Creation (Time Dimension)

Activate Today's Daily Magic:

PM: advanced thinking for pretty alignments....may want a line for:

Rune (rotates with 28-days JL- p273)
I-Ching (rotates with 260KIN, JL put in Mystic void column?, see pg 291)
65 Harmonics (rotates with 260KIN, pg 290)



-------EVOLUTION page & content-------------rotating "Plasma" text----------

Target Sensory Awareness with CROWN Chakra & DALI Plasma              to explore Pre-Conscious and Profound Samadhi (Mental Sphere)                                           with Intentional Cosmic Creation (Time Dimension)

Flow Sensory Perceptions with ROOT Chakra & SELI Plasma                     to expand Informative Samadhi and Sub-Conscious (Mental Sphere)                       and Pulse Cosmic Synchronization (Time Dimension)

Pacify Sensory Powers with THIRD-EYE Chakra & GAMMA Plasma         for peaceful Waking Conscious Mediumship (Mental Sphere)                                        to Harmonize within Cosmic Cube and Wholeness (Time Dimension)

Establish Catalyzing Agent with SACRAL Chakra and KALI Plasma            for Higher Mind Control and Continuing Consciousness (Mental Sphere)                                 to Establish Cosmic Ascension (Time Dimension)

Release Telepathic Powers with THROAT Chakra and ALPHA Plasma    to Activate Telepathy and Super Conscious (Mental Sphere)                                          for  Releasing the Thermic Force Field (Time Dimension)

Purify Telepathic Powers with SOLAR Chakra and LIMI Plasma                for Clarity of Subliminal Telepathy & Consciousness (Mental Sphere)                                             to Purify the Lumic Force Field (Time Dimension)

Activate Telepathic Powers with HEART Chakra and SILIO Plasma          for Heart-Centered  Hyper-Plasmic Enlightenment/Inner Realization (Mental Sphere)                   to Activate the Cosmic Connection (Time Dimension)






CONTENT --------------http://galacticspirit.com/Activations/Evolutions.php (browser tab: Evolutions)


Synchronistic & Telepathic Evolutions (THIS IS A SECTION - separate page for unlocked?)

(Text Descriptions change every day and reflect today's)
Here's Daily "Evolution Mediation" Video to Activate Telepathy and Increase Synchronicity with
Today's Limi Plasma accelerating Will Chakra, (sphere) Mental Sphere and (time dim) Time Dimension

Topics: Chakra, Plasma, Sphere, Time Dimension


JL: do I want to have a "Rainbow day" something?

Will Chakra

Limi Plasma

(PM: text really small ONLY if not Logged in?) Login for Full Lesson (popup or goes to login area? how?) (PM: text really small ONLY if not Logged in?) Login for Full Lesson (popup or goes to login area? how?)

JL note:

JL note:


what is this father and mother stuff?


(Time Dim)
(PM: text really small ONLY if not Logged in?) Login for Full Lesson (popup or goes to login area? how?) (PM: text really small ONLY if not Logged in?) Login for Full Lesson (popup or goes to login area? how?)

JL note:

JL note:

Rainbow day? Soul Day
Video Sample: Access Evolution Lessons (on sales page) Video Sample: Access Evolution Lessons (on sales page)

will be more BOXES


----------BUY section--------------both pages WHEN not logged in to respective membership, example, if sally has access to Activation (buy will not show on that page) but NOT Evolutions (BUY will show on Evolution)

(duplicate on both Activation & Evolution pages)-------------

Best Value * 365 Days or 28 Days of Membership

Remember: when cancel we need coding to stop access & (as I am petty sure I gave you on instruction email) "what you are missing auto responders"


JL: need list of what do you get for your money! (are there buy nows - how handling?)

BEST Value!
365 Days of Membership & Classes
Membership: 365 Days of Activations & Evolutions
(videos and meanings)

PM: are these links to Activations & Evolutions confusing?
SAVE! Yearly
Monthly (Moon) - 28 days

Classes: Basic & Advanced
Activations & Evolutions (365+B&A_Lessons)

Classes: Basic and Activation Membership

Classes: Advanced and Evolution Membership (365+AdvancedLessons)

PM: how can we get this to autorenew at YEARLY ONLY Price?

Activations & Evolutions
$ (365Both)

Activations $(365edU)


BEST Value

PM: no longer PP with try free, just event special w/o PP at all...hopefully autoresponders will generate sign ups!

Activations & Evolutions
$19 (28Both)

Activations $13.20(28edU)

Evolutions $13.20(28evolve)

BEST Value