Your 20 Galactic Birthrights are the Creators of Your Destiny


are Your Greatest Ideal of Yourself and they are Already Exist Within Your Innate, Most Sacred Self

The Images are Symbolic Birthright Expressions for Multi-Dimensional Success and are Synergistic Fractals of Unlimited Potential

Each Birthright Icon has Multi-Dmensional and Ever-Evolving Spiritual Power.
When you assign meaning with Intention to your Mental (thoughts), Emotional (feelings) and Physical (actions) World,
you will make the Unconscious, Conscious... and in that progression, Your Life Transforms: Better and Better!



Activate BEST Version of YOU •  Transform into Wholeness  •   Fulfill Star-Seeded Birthrights 

I AM Full of Life with an Inspiring Today
I AM Grateful for Unlimited, Future Possibility

I AM a Magnificent Child of God
I AM The Divine Breath of Heaven and Earth

I AM an Awakened Dreamer
I AM a Magnet for Multi-Dimensional Abundance

I AM Living in Over-Flowing Potential
I AM Evergreen and Flowering

I AM Life Force (Kundalini) and Passion
I AM Initiation and Empowered Progress

I AM Releasing Self-Sabotage,
Limiting Beliefs, Blockages, Worry and Fear

I AM Capable * I AM
My Expression of Rewarding Accomplishment

I AM Enough
I AM Bright, Shiny Beacon of Spiritual Light

I AM Pure Consciousness
I AM Free of Limiting Thought and Emotion

I AM LOVE * I AM Unconditional
Acceptance, Forgiveness and Compassion

I AM Filled with Curiosity and Wonder
I AM a Magician for Delight and Joy

I AM Willing * I AM Influenced by My Free-Will
for the Highest Good in Myself and Others

I AM Peaceful and Invite
My Adventure into the Unknown

I AM a Divine Messenger
of Timeless Receptivity and Intuition

I AM Imaginative: I See with
Unlimited Perspective and Detailed Awareness

I AM Worthy of All Goodness
I AM Brave and Fearlessly Attract Success

I AM the Navigator of My Path
I AM at the Perfect Place in the Perfect Time

I AM Ever-Expanding Clarity
I AM Reflecting My Highest and Best Self

I AM Transformation * I AM Stillness
(eye-of-the storm) to Catalyze Inner Truth

I AM ONE with The Universal Divine
(The Information Field) with Absolute Certainty