(Important NOW for FUTURE - have placeholder?) how can rotating calendar be printable 8.5 x 11 (it wall have to have GalacticSpirit.com (with live link)
Calendar will follow rotation of 260 with Chakras following Mon-Sunday Chakra (traditional "ColorAlchemy" - see notes on https://galacticspirit.com/Activations/Chakra - NOT Galactic Rotation to upsell ColorAlchemy)

SUGGEST: this page is good for "Grey Bar" rotations (SEE MOCKUP BELOW????) (original Peter coding/my notes shown here https://galacticspirit.com/Activations/Special-ONLY) - not sure how/where to render - please send quick paper schematic for pre-approval

Grey Bar info...
If NO ACTIVATIONS ON DAY, Needs to say "No Special Energies today but check out Today's Activations!
When there is a "Special Energy" have the image/text link to it's respective DESCRIPTION (either Special Energy/bottom# , Season-page , Castle-page)

CAN WE HAVE "SET INTENTIONS" ELEMENT: opens for "NEW MOON" (Day 1 of 28?) and (NEW Ascension Progression) Day 1 of 13

PERFECT "MISSING HOLE" (TRAFFIC DRIVER) on home and membership #7 and included on "Grey Bar" Section

links to Special/Bottom#Rainbow

Ascension "Turtle"

links to Special/Bottom#Turtle

Innate Soul Day

links to Special/Bottom#soul

DNA Star Gates
& Heart Portals

links to Special/Bottom#portals

Channeled Insights

links to Special/Bottom#insights

5D = Heaven on Earth

links to Seasons

ESP & Psychic Mastery

links to castles

per zoom 11/25 these "Grey Bar" (again, not thrilled how they were rendered) are suggested to be on FREE/Daily Energies and anchor to it's respective # on Special (part of which will be free/open and more detailed with be with paid)

these images should be helpful to copy/paste into membership#7 and "right block" on https://galacticspirit.com/home-JL_Oct2020 -- both as traffic drivers


I like this mockup, so as of now,

Engage your (Chakra) Chakra

Enrich your Inner Cleansing Flow as you

Synergize Electro-Magnetic Self with your Wise Free-Will within your 13-day Moon Transformation

Your Mental Self

Weekly Energy: (rotate "52 week"- see 28+52_DB)

Week X (1 of 4) of
Resonant Moon: How can I Attune my service to others?
X of 13

(future) calendar: opens to printable 8.5 x 11 page-at-a-glance

When the Life of your Dreams starts Unfolding,
YOU will be more Inspired and Awakened

GO DEEP as YOU are Intuitively Guided!














(Important NOW for FUTURE - have placeholder?) how can rotating calendar be printable 8.5 x 11 (it will have to have GalacticSpirirt.com (with live link)
Calendar will follow rotation of 260 with Chakras following Mon-Sunday Chakra (traditional "ColorAlchemy" - see notes on https://galacticspirit.com/Activations/Chakra - NOT Galactic Rotation to upsell ColorAlchemy)


---------------------above is only what it sugguested on "moon"------------------------------------------------------------

original included content: I moved them to their more logical place/page

Enrich your Inner Cleansing Flow as you
Synergize Electro-Magnetic Self with your Wise Free-Will within your 13-day Moon Adventure.

Your Mental Self

Resonant Moon: How can I Attune my service to others?

Ladies: I-Ching (69,900,000 results) & Trigrams (69,900,000 results) could be Big SEO draw!Think we should use "Traditional content" in FREE and use for SEO. open Galactic for level 3
same for Runes (119,000,000 results)

Hexigram: About 74,800,000 results (0.56 seconds) 


New DB draw: rotates on 260 -(see 260Kin_DB-2020 *** JL to write sentence (text-rotation)
I PUT THIS Above and ON "Advanced" Special Energies


don't know what image at this time maybe just the 260


(Harmo-Name) (Harmo-Energy)

rotates on 260 -(see 260Kin_DB-2020 *** JL to write sentence (text-rotation)

PUT THIS ON separate IChing page-for SEOart/trigrams
() () () ()
Traditional Trigrams   Galactic Trigram
(Tri-Trad-Hex) (Tri-Trad-Meaning) Upper Hexigram
Lower Hexigram

rotates on 260 -(see 260Kin_DB-2020 *** JL to write sentence (text-rotation)

PUT THIS ON separate Runes-for SEO page


(Elder-Name) (Elder-Week) (Elder Galactic Energy)

28-day rotation *** see 28+52_DB-2020


Traditional Energy   Galactic Energy
(Traditional Energy) (Elder Galactic Energy)


PUT THIS ON "Advanced" Special Energiesart/codons

(UR Rune)

rotates on 260 -(see 260Kin_DB-2020 *** JL to write sentence (text-rotation)

week (1-52)
(52 weeks)

28-day rotation *** see 28+52_DB-2020
PUT THIS ON separate Seasons page -for better logic


(Season-Gif) (Season)

rotates on 260 -(see 260Kin_DB-2020 *** JL to write sentence (text-rotation)