I have original mockup of "Special Page" if you need to see it on request, JL, it's called Special_original mockup (currently not on sever)
I put ORIGINAL Rotating "Special Images" on https://galacticspirit.com/Activations/Special-ONLY as I don't know how you are going to render/flow
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------these are elements/images that go on HOME & Membership block #7-------------------------------------
Experience Today's Special Energies in Full Activation for Integration into Galactic Wholeness
see all FREE at-a-glance to drive signup and for OPEN PART (THIS MOCKUP BLOCK (with teaser to anchor explanations and how to use, some is FREE, SOME OPENS WITH PAID) HOW????
Explore Multi-Dimensions of YOU and GO DEEP Special Days!
Day-by-Day! Magnetically Attract Your Desires with quick Minutes-a-Day Practice (USeGS#min):
(small) Like all Multi-Dimensional Fractals of Wholeness, all "Special Energies" are offered for Free Choice transformations.
Special Energies included on FULL Daily (Video) Activations(smaller) All you need to do is Explore Today's (12DotBar) (20Glyph) Birthright so Your DAY WILL BE BETTER than Yesterday (smaller) All "Time Cycle" Fractals (Energies) are included to GO DEEP as you are guided
-----------------------------------------all unlocked/unlocked content below (except I Ching - originally called Trigrams AND castles, seasons, dimensions - which had always intended to be separate pages) -----------------------------------------------
-education/details ----------- that gets "opened up" when paid----- undecided (at this time) what opens for level 2 and 3
If you will notice, I "formatted" ACTIONS STEPS with GO DEEP: suggestion ??? Please figure out a way to render so people know what is education and what is instruction? A different color? don't know
MEMBERSHIP LEVELS: (at this time), as with membership page (https://galacticspirit.com/Daily_Insights), Special, Dimensions, Chakra, Castles, Season or Ascension - do not currently know what is open at what level - will make decisions when webmasters advise. Thinking payment #3Yearly-A: special deal of just "Monthly basics" & #3Yearly-B: "Everything!" |
Every Moment is a Perfect Opportunity! Anchor Intentions! Magnetize Desires!
Set Intention Moments!
Ida: here's "unlock" graph for "Ascension Turtle days - rotation is on "https://galacticspirit.com/Activations/Special-ONLY" (Peter's original) can the numbers (1st, 2nd) be rendered with SPECIAL FONT please?
Rainbow Days are "Celebrations of the HEART" Chakras are Personal Energies. Every 7 days, the Chakras and Plasmas spiral around the body (like a galaxy). Once each Chakra is in balance, the Plasmas (engines) fuel your Electro-Magnetic "Aura" (link to where I talk about this: will be in Quantum or UseGS) and through Heart Coherence with your Innate SOUL Self you are automatically in Resonance with the Universal Galactic Spirit to Magnetically bring about Multi-Dimensional Attainment Learn more about Chakras! Check out Jami Lin's ColorAlchemy e-program with even more content than in her award-winning Chakra and Color book. |
Innate Soul Days are "Celebrations of the SOUL" Honor Yourself! You have Filled the Seat of Soul! Integrating the Radiance of each Daily Chakra, each week, your Energy Field (link to torus) Radiates Bigger and Brighter and is FULL to Magnetize your Heart's Desires.
Channeled Insights: Clear Signs In the Daily Insight videos, there are 13 "Special Times" where you can Receive (download) Special Messages. These "Clear Signs" come directly from Pacal Votan: The Prophetic & Multi-Dimensional Space & Time Traveler that gifted us with the Living-Light Codes (Birthrights) of Quantum Mayan Wisdom and Galactic Astrology. (unlock to ??)GO DEEP: Pause and drop-into the void of your Galactic Spirit and be receptive to "Clear Signs" of Deep Revelation and Insight
anchor #stargate Should this be it's own page? Thinking this section should be FREE "these 52 days a big deal" ;-) - traffic driver |
DNA Star Gates & Heart Portals
Learn more: unlock
please put Runes here if not it's own page | |
see mockup https://galacticspirit.com/Activations/Runes |
Daily | Today's Ascension Harmonics |
rotate (color) (13DotBar) (20Glyph) |
Number | Ascension Action (Name) | Energy | Jami Lin's "Harmonic" Intuition: with Castle & Ascension Fractals |
(Harmo-Number) day x of 4 (1, 2,3 or 4?) |
Ascension: (Harmo-Name1) |
Action: (Harmo-Energy1) Inform (JL note) (Harmo-Energy2) Flowering of Form (JL note) |
(Castle Action)* = (Harmo-Name1) + (Harmo-Energy1) Consciousness
* Because there is no historic precedence, I am helping you FEEL the Harmonics. As guided by my Galactic Spirit, the meanings of the Actions are Micro Fractals of each Macro "13-dayAscension" and each "52-day Castle." Refer to Time Cycles (UseGS#) I welcome you to dialog your discoveries in commUnity - Together, let's Ascend in Planetary Consciousness Love, JL |
-----Jami's REALLY OLD NOTES-------------------------NOT USING---------------------------------------------------- for at a glance ---------------------
-----Jami's REALLY OLD NOTES------------------------NOT USING------------------------------------------------------ for at a glance ---------------------