I have original mockup of "Special Page" if you need to see it on request, JL, it's called Special_original mockup (currently not on sever)

I put ORIGINAL Rotating "Special Images" on https://galacticspirit.com/Activations/Special-ONLY as I don't know how you are going to render/flow

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------these are elements/images that go on HOME & Membership block #7-------------------------------------

I suggest "grey bar rotations" be on https://galacticspirit.com/Activations/Moon  

CAN WE HAVE "SET INTENTIONS" ELEMENT: opens for "NEW MOON" (Day 1 of 28?) and (NEW Ascension Progression) Day 1 of 13

PERFECT "MISSING HOLE" (TRAFFIC DRIVER) on home and membership #7 and included on "Grey Bar" Section

Ascension "Turtle"

Innate Soul Day
DNA Star Gates
& Heart Portals
Channeled Insights 5D = Heaven on Earth

ESP & Psychic Mastery

per zoom 11/25 these "Grey Bar" (again, not thrilled how they were rendered) are suggested to be on FREE/Daily Energies and anchor to it's respective # on Special (part of which will be free/open and more detailed with be with paid)

these images should be helpful to copy/paste into membership#7 and "right block" on https://galacticspirit.com/home-JL_Oct2020 -- both as traffic drivers

-----------------------CONTENT STARTS HERE--------------

Experience Today's Special Energies in Full Activation for Integration into Galactic Wholeness

see all FREE at-a-glance to drive signup and for OPEN PART (THIS MOCKUP BLOCK (with teaser to anchor explanations and how to use, some is FREE, SOME OPENS WITH PAID) HOW????



Explore Multi-Dimensions of YOU and GO DEEP Special Days!

(special color or?)
Start Simple with the ONE Daily Birthright and Chakra (changing daily on above header).
That's it! Easy!

Day-by-Day! Magnetically Attract Your Desires with quick Minutes-a-Day Practice (USeGS#min):
Perfect Places! Perfect Times! Perfect Synchronicity!

(special color?)Secret: Be Aware of it's Coded-Living Energy becoming Alive within YOU!
(special color?) Reminder: Energy Flows where Attention Goes!

(small) Like all Multi-Dimensional Fractals of Wholeness, all "Special Energies" are offered for Free Choice transformations.

When the Life of your Dreams starts Unfolding, YOU will be more Inspired and Awakened
GO DEEP as YOU are Intuitively Guided!


Special Energies included on FULL Daily (Video) Activations

(smaller) All you need to do is Explore Today's (12DotBar) (20Glyph) Birthright so Your DAY WILL BE BETTER than Yesterday

(smaller) All "Time Cycle" Fractals (Energies) are included to GO DEEP as you are guided

Your Multi-Dimensional Self
integrate Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Self into 5D-Wholeness
rotate image

Explore Insights and Meditations with your (20Wave) Birthright: (20W-Deeper) and (20W-Meaning)

(small) "Houses" are also referred to as WaveSpells. Jami likes providing you with Daily KEYS to unlock your HOUSE to Ascend with the Keys to Your CASTLES .. and ultimately Living Your THRONE of Wholeness.


Where are you on 13-day
Ascension Progression
Spiral of Infinite Transformation
upon review, I think this should be it's own page, currently Schematically anchored to bottom section of this page -
Receiving Channeled Insights today?
Living Heaven on Earth today?

anchor on to UseGS#guides (contnet is there)
OR on this page, in unlocked section????

Ida: you never saw this element before, nothing special needs to happen - these energies are just included in LONG videos


Important Special Activations

(smaller) All you need to do is Explore Today's (12DotBar) (20Glyph) Birthright so Your DAY WILL BE BETTER than Yesterday

(smaller) All "Time Cycle" Fractals (Energies) are included to GO DEEP as you are guided

Here are the Most Powerful Affirmations of each Birthright (anchor to membership#I-AM, item #2)

"Set Intention"

Create & Manifest
Your Dreams!

Every Moment is a Perfect Opportunity!
Anchor Intentions! Magnetize Desires!

Daily Affirmations & Harmonics
with Special Monthly and Weekly Energies

is today your
Inner Rainbow Day
is today your
Innate Soul Day

Daily: I Ching & Celtic Runes: Traditional & Galactic Insights

(smaller) All you need to do is Explore Today's (12DotBar) (20Glyph) Birthright so Your DAY WILL BE BETTER than Yesterday

(smaller) All "Time Cycle" Fractals (Energies) are included to GO DEEP as you are guided

What is Today's Chinese
I Ching Hexagram
(SEO: +horoscope, oracle)

What is Today's I Ching

suggest it links to I Ching page for special SEO **
see REVISED "Hexagram DB" (formally called Trigrams on overall DB)
What is Today's
Celtic Rune
(SEO: + cast, reading oracle, divination)

What are Today's Runes?

suggests it should link to Runes page for special SEO

(on original DB) but sent fixed DB 11/27


Advanced: Super Human, DNA Activation

(smaller) All you need to do is Explore Today's (12DotBar) (20Glyph) Birthright so Your DAY WILL BE BETTER than Yesterday

(smaller) All "Time Cycle" Fractals (Energies) are included to GO DEEP as you are guided


Today's Harmonic Affirmation (harmonic.xls DB)

(Harmo-Name1): (Harmon-Energy2)

rotate image

art/hexagrams (originally called trigrams - my mistake)
rotate image



my mockup is on I Ching

Fixed DB sent on 11/25 for these rotations

-----------------------------------------all unlocked/unlocked content below (except I Ching - originally called Trigrams AND castles, seasons, dimensions - which had always intended to be separate pages) -----------------------------------------------

-education/details ----------- that gets "opened up" when paid----- undecided (at this time) what opens for level 2 and 3

If you will notice, I "formatted" ACTIONS STEPS with GO DEEP: suggestion ??? Please figure out a way to render so people know what is education and what is instruction? A different color? don't know

MEMBERSHIP LEVELS: (at this time), as with membership page (https://galacticspirit.com/Daily_Insights), Special, Dimensions, Chakra, Castles, Season or Ascension - do not currently know what is open at what level - will make decisions when webmasters advise. Thinking payment #3Yearly-A: special deal of just "Monthly basics" & #3Yearly-B: "Everything!"





"Set Intention"

Create & Manifest Your Dreams!

Every Moment is a Perfect Opportunity! Anchor Intentions! Magnetize Desires!

Create Habits of the NEW YOU!
Intentionally, Pause in Gratitude and FEEL that you have already Attained your Desire

Universal Galactic Spirit is waiting with Quantum Eagerness and Encouragement for your Mutlti-Dimensional Success!

Set Intention Moments!

  • Inspiration Time is any time Galactic Spirt "downloads" Insights! Pause. Absorb in Gratitude!

  • Wake Time (link USeGS#): Set Intentions to Create Magic in your Life! (link USeGS#morning)

  • Bed Time (link USeGS#): Use Power Time of Inner Reflection. Recalibrate! Set Intentions for Sweet Dreams and tomorrow's Wake Time!

Every Day  
Special Days  
Every NEW:

 • Moon

 • House (link membership 4 or 5, About GS#timewheel or ascention-page)

 • Castle

 • Season


"Ascension" Turtle Days

are opportunities to GO DEEP!


It's a Magic Turtle Day when the 13-day Ascension of the Moon + Daily are the same!

These Double-Up Days usually occur TWICE each Moon

Adding awareness and purpose to Ascension Turtle Days
is excellent way to experience Cycles-within-Cycles (LINK to about GS#cycles)

check if it's a Magic Turtle Day
(link to where you put it - coding on https://galacticspirit.com/Activations/Special-ONLY)

Ida: here's "unlock" graph for "Ascension Turtle days - rotation is on "https://galacticspirit.com/Activations/Special-ONLY" (Peter's original)
can the numbers (1st, 2nd) be rendered with SPECIAL FONT please?

"Turtle Activation" Days are TWICE as Powerful (unlock to ??) GO DEEP: Reflect on...
1st Day is always Magnetic
when Daily Birthright is Magnetic (1st Day of 13-day Progression)
What is your Purpose?
Magnetize Living Potential
2nd Day is always Lunar
when Daily Birthright is Lunar (2nd Day of 13-day Progression)
What are Challenges?
Over Come Duality = Live in Wholeness
3rd Day is always Electric
when Daily Birthright is Electric (3rd Day of 13-day Progression)
What are your Gifts to Share?
Electrify Action
4th Day is always Self-Existing
when Daily Birthright is Self-Existing (4th Day of 13-day Progression)
How are your going to Express your Gifts?
Synergize Electro-Magnetic Self
5th Day is always Overtone
when Daily Birthright is Overtone (5th Day of 13-day Progression)
How are your going to Empower Yourself?
Command Trust & Empowerment
6th Day is always Rhythmic
when Daily Birthright is Rhythmic (6th Day of 13-day Progression)
How do you Share Equality with Others?
Balance & Organize Fractals of Self
7th Day is always Resonant
when Daily Birthright is Resonant (7th Day of 13-day Progression)
How do you Align my Service with Others?
Resonate Truth & Authenticity
8th Day is always Galactic
when Daily Birthright is Galactic (8th Day of 13-day Progression)
Do you Walk your Talk? Do you live your Belief?
Express Integrity & Alignment
9th Day is always Solar
when Daily Birthright is Solar (9th Day of 13-day Progression)
How are you Attaining your Purpose?
Set Intentional Em-Motion & Heart Coherence
10th Day is always Planetary
when Daily Birthright is Planetary (10th Day of 13-day Progression)
How are you Living Better & Better?
Observe Progressive Synchronicity
11th Day is always Spectral
when Daily Birthright is Spectral (11th Day of 13-day Progression)
How can Living your Best Life be Gracious?
Integrate & Dissolve into Wholeness
12th Day is always Crystal
when Daily Birthright is Crystal (12th Day of 13-day Progression)
How are you Dedicating your Gifts in Betterment of Others?
Crystallize Vision in CommUnity
13th Day is always Cosmic
when Daily Birthright is Cosmic (13h Day of 13-day Progression)
How are you Expanding your Love and Joy?
Live in Fulfilled Gratitude

Rainbow Day

Rainbow Days are "Celebrations of the HEART"
Once every week, you take a "spin" around all 7 Chakras

Chakras are Personal Energies.
You have the Choice (Free Will) to "Command" your Energy Field to (link to #torus n Use GS) Expand, Beam - Bigger and Brighter, Radiate "beyond Time and Space"
and Magnetize your Heart's Desires.

Every 7 days, the Chakras and Plasmas spiral around the body (like a galaxy). Once each Chakra is in balance, the Plasmas (engines) fuel your Electro-Magnetic "Aura" (link to where I talk about this: will be in Quantum or UseGS) and through Heart Coherence with your Innate SOUL Self you are automatically in Resonance with the Universal Galactic Spirit to Magnetically bring about Multi-Dimensional Attainment

(unlock to ??) GO DEEP! Focus on the Daily Chakra it's Multi-Dimensional anchors to each Daily Activation in your Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Body. Go DEEP: Explore the relationship between Traditional (Chakra#Traditional) and Galactic (Chakra#Galactic) "Days of the Week."

Learn more about Chakras! Check out Jami Lin's ColorAlchemy e-program with even more content than in her award-winning Chakra and Color book.

Innate Soul Day

Innate Soul Days are "Celebrations of the SOUL"

Once every Moon (28 days), you "spin" around all 7 Chakras 4 Times
4) Rainbow Days = 1 Innate Soul Day

Honor Yourself! You have Filled the Seat of Soul!

Integrating the Radiance of each Daily Chakra, each week, your Energy Field (link to torus) Radiates Bigger and Brighter and is FULL to Magnetize your Heart's Desires.

(unlock to ??) GO DEEP: Reflect on the intentions and Manifestations you set on this Resonant Moon: How can I Attune my service to others? and (20W-Meaning) and (20W-Deeper) of (20Wave) Ascension.

FEEL your RADIANT Innate Soul Self is Fully Embodied into Infinite Realization!
FEEL Your Soul Self Alive with Pulsing Electro-Magnetic Energy!

Affirm Your Elevated Emotion: "I AM THAT!"


Channeled Insights: Clear Signs

In the Daily Insight videos, there are 13 "Special Times" where you can Receive (download) Special Messages. These "Clear Signs" come directly from Pacal Votan: The Prophetic & Multi-Dimensional Space & Time Traveler that gifted us with the Living-Light Codes (Birthrights) of Quantum Mayan Wisdom and Galactic Astrology.

While all Birthrights are coded in stone on Mayan Temples, these Profound Channeled Insights come directly from Pacal Votan as he inscribed them to be carved on his sarcophagus.

(unlock to ??)GO DEEP: Pause and drop-into the void of your Galactic Spirit and be receptive to "Clear Signs" of Deep Revelation and Insight



anchor #stargate

Should this be it's own page? Thinking this section should be FREE "these 52 days a big deal" ;-) - traffic driver

DNA Star Gates & Heart Portals

Is it a Star Gate or DNA Heart Portal day?
do we need this image bigger?

Portal Days are "Star Gates" that reveal the thinnest veil
between the Physical World and the
Multi-Dimensions of The Infinite

Star Gates and Heart Portals are are Invitations
to Amplify and Accelerate Deeper Consciousness

In the Daily Insight videos, there are 52 Heart-Portal Days

These are Powerful Keys to Magical Gateways in Time

(Small) This Map is traditionally known as The Tzolkien and is the linear representation of The Sacred Mayan Calendar

In the Map of Daily Keys, Heart-Portals are usually shown in green. Notice they look like DNA!

Remember DNA Visualization? (JL: where to put? GS-Use or Ascension)

Learn more: unlock

Take Pause
See, Sense and FEEL Your Light within Your CORE!

JAMI: where should this IMAGE go, in torus place?

and what about piture with human is crystal, shoudl it go her/on special too?

FEEL Your Heart Center and
Your DNA Beaming as Big and Bright
with all the other Stars in the Galaxy!

In the Daily Insight videos and Moon-at-a-Glance, you will notice there a 3 Super Potent "Spirals-of-Time" within the 52-DNA Star Gates
These 3 channels are in Your Galactic Heart Center - The most Powerful Time to Activate your Birthrights!

20 Days: Left and Right Channels = Accelerate Living Your Full Potential

10 days of "Serpent" House: Quickening and Acceleration

Quickening Initiation - Life Force and Passion

(Left) Power Channel (Keys #106-115)

10 Days of "Seed" House: Live Full Potential

Grow your Desires from a Seed to a Mighty, Flowering Tree

(Right) Power Channel (Keys #146-155)

20 Core Days = The Heart of Galactic DNA!
Origin of Spirit = Elevated Potential

The Mirror of Time = Multi-Dimensional Integration
left/right brain hemispheres, inner and outer worlds, 3D to 5D, past, present and future



This "Mystical Channel" extends the top-to-bottom in the Center of Your DNA on the Map of the Daily Keys

(Center) Mirror/Heart Channel (Keys #121-140)

  • Elevate your Light Body
  • Journey your Enlightened Center of Accelerated Potential
  • Mystical Umbilical Cord of Radial Light
  • Source of Innate Wisdom Intuitive Exploration
Align with Speaking Tube of Creation
YOU are a "SkyWalker" - You are a Light Beam"

that connects Gaia (Mother Earth's Crystalline Core)
and The Star Mothers (of Infinite Galactic Wisdom)

with your understanding of Time Cycles of Consciousness (Fractal Cycles within Cycles), these 20-Dialy Birthrights include Powerful HOUSE Energies too:

"Mirror" House: Reflective Actualization

Endless Patterns of Self Mastery

(Keys #121-130)

(small) Quick note on the perfect numerology and alignments of the energies. Center Channel is the Reflective Mirror between the two sides of the Map of the Daily Keys and the first 10 days are in the Mirror HOUSE! BTW: I haven't found an inconsistency in the system yet.

Within Mirror are concentrated
Heart-of-the-Heart Days, also known as
Mystic Void or The Unknown
(Keys #129-130)

(small) You will notice that because these Birthrights are so Powerful, there are no I-Ching of Harmonics Energies

"Monkey" House: Magic Play and Joy

Spontaneous Delight, Inner Child, Curiosity & Wonder

(Keys #131-140)

Within Monkey are concentrated
Heart-of-the-Heart Days, also known as
Mystic Void or The Unknown
(Keys #131-132)

(small) You will notice that because these Birthrights are so Powerful, there are no I-Ching of Harmonics Energies

Lunar Human
(Key #132) is also a Channeled Insight Day

(small) As mentioned in Be a Quantum Magnet, The Unknown is the only "place" to discover Being Super Human!

please put Runes here if not it's own page

see mockup https://galacticspirit.com/Activations/Runes


Today's Ascension Harmonics
Number Ascension Action (Name) Energy Jami Lin's "Harmonic" Intuition: with Castle & Ascension Fractals
day x of 4
(1, 2,3 or 4?)

Ascension: (Harmo-Name1)
Self-Existing (JL note)
Action: (Harmo-Name2)
Input (JL note)

Action: (Harmo-Energy1)
Inform (JL note)
Flowering of Form (JL note)

(Castle Action)* = (Harmo-Name1) + (Harmo-Energy1) Consciousness
with (13DB-Actions)* for (Harmo-Energy2)

(JL sample)
(Initiate Destiny) = (Input) + (Inform)
with (Magnetizing Living Potential) for (Flowering of Form)


* Because there is no historic precedence, I am helping you FEEL the Harmonics. As guided by my Galactic Spirit, the meanings of the Actions are Micro Fractals of each Macro "13-dayAscension" and each "52-day Castle." Refer to Time Cycles (UseGS#) I welcome you to dialog your discoveries in commUnity - Together, let's Ascend in Planetary Consciousness Love, JL



-----Jami's REALLY OLD NOTES-------------------------NOT USING---------------------------------------------------- for at a glance ---------------------
-----Jami's REALLY OLD NOTES------------------------NOT USING------------------------------------------------------ for at a glance ---------------------

in FULL Daily Videos Explore Multi-Dimensions of YOU with:
  • Powerful Affirmations
  • Energies from Galactic Angels (Guides)
  • ColorAlchemy: Receive, Anchor, Integrate & Express

Rhythmic Mirror
(example of Full Activation #58 of 260)  
Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Self

on today's FULL Activation - learn about
is today your
Inner Rainbow Day
is today your
Innate Soul Day
are you Receiving
Channeled Insights today
Living Heaven on Earth today?