Gayle sugguested, harvest email before opening to these videos: send them same "email program:" 3 emails during 13 days, form would be nice to include their bday (like on decoder) so they get emails on their bday & Galactic bday

I have images of title-block if you want them loaded on server, please advise what size and format (for LOCKED video)

Titles of Videos

  1. Your Infinite Galactic Birthrights
    Birthrights: Heart Resonance, Multi-Dimensional Abundance, & Enlightenment 
  2. Your Galactic Super Powers
    About Jami Lin, Your Award-Winning Galactic Guide

    Birthrights: Initiating Passion & Living Potential
  3. What is Galactic Spirit (needs anchor #3)
    Truths & Secrets

    Birthrights: Shamanic Self & Self Mastery
  4. Multi-Dimensional Wholeness
    Body, Mind, Emotion & Spirit

    Birthrights: Synchronicity, Spiritual Voice, Bravery & Trust
  5. Quantum: Physiological, Neurological and Astronomical Science
    Birthrights: Unlimited Vision and Seeking Beyond Time & Space

  6. Super-Human Consciousness
    TIME  =  Your Most Valuable Resource

    Birthrights: Define & Design Destiny and Wise, Free Will


2 NEW IDEAS HERE? for better balance? and note on there is a lot of vertocal space between lines of text.... not sure what to do here

Idea 1 (Idea 2 may be better)

Galactic Spirit is HOW to EVOLVE Your Consciounsess!

6 Videos are jammed with insight...all in less than 30 minutes!
Start and stop to get full benefit of the juicy education!


Maybe sign up for access to the 6 videos here??

1. Birthrights
are Your Living
  • SuperPower!
  • Innate Privilege for Being Alive to Live Your Dreams
  • Teachers of Elevated Consciousness
2. Your Living Birthrights are:
Living-Energy, Encoded with
3. Your Living Birthrights

Evolve ONE Birthright a Day!

Naturally: Galactic Spirit is Already within YOU!
Galactic Spirit is
asking for you to...

  • Unfold the Life of your Dreams!
  • Manifest Future Vision & Destiny!
  • Magnetically Attract Your Desires:
          Day-by-Day. Perfect Places. Perfect Times. Perfect Synchronicity
  • Chemically recondition your Mind-Body
          Shift:      Survival: (fight or flight = Stress) to
                        Thriving with Unlimited Potential = Grace

  • Enrich Mutlti-Dimensional Wholeness:
          Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Aspects of Yourself
  • Awaken and Expand the God Particles within Your DNA
  • Raise the Frequency and Vibration of your Electro-Magnetic, Body-Mind

  • Transform 3D (Matter) into 5D (Light)
    to Time Travel
Activate your
Galactic Birthrights
  • Birthday Super Power: Your Unique Birthright and Purpose (link decoder)
         - on which all your Birthrights build
  • Today's Birthright (building your Birthright)
  • FREE by Email (includes personalized birthday insights) (link)

Idea 2 - better alignemt with block of 6 below? I'm not sure.


Galactic Spirit is HOW to EVOLVE Your Consciounsess!

6 Videos are jammed with insight...all in less than 30 minutes!
Start and stop to get full benefit of the juicy education!


Maybe sign up for access to the 6 videos here??

Birthrights are Your Living:
  • SuperPower!
  • Innate Privilege for Being Alive to Live Your Dreams
  • Teachers of Elevated Consciousness
Your Living Birthrights are Living-Energy, Encoded with
Your Living Birthrights

Evolve ONE Birthright a Day!

Naturally: Galactic Spirit is Already within YOU!
Galactic Spirit is
asking for you to...

  • Unfold the Life of your Dreams!
  • Manifest Future Vision & Destiny!
  • Magnetically Attract Your Desires:
          Day-by-Day. Perfect Places. Perfect Times. Perfect Synchronicity
  • Chemically recondition your Mind-Body
          Shift:      Survival: (fight or flight = Stress) to
                        Thriving with Unlimited Potential = Grace

  • Enrich Mutlti-Dimensional Wholeness:
          Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Aspects of Yourself
  • Awaken and Expand the God Particles within Your DNA
  • Raise the Frequency and Vibration of your Electro-Magnetic, Body-Mind

  • Transform 3D (Matter) into 5D (Light) to Time Travel
Activate your Galactic Birthrights
  • Birthday Super Power: Your Unique Birthright and Purpose (link decoder)
         - on which all your Birthrights build
  • Today's Birthright (building your Birthright)
  • FREE by Email (includes personalized birthday insights) (link)




Galactic Spirit is HOW to EVOLVE Your Consciounsess!

same video as on home page

6 Videos are jammed with insight...all in less than 30 minutes!
Start and stop to get full benefit of the juicy education!
1. Birthrights
are Your Living
  • SuperPower!
  • Innate Privilege for Being Alive to Live Your Dreams
  • Teachers of Elevated Consciousness
2. Your Living Birthrights are:
Living-Energy, Encoded with
3. Your Living Birthrights

Evolve ONE Birthright a Day!

Naturally: Galactic Spirit is Already within YOU!
Galactic Spirit is
asking for you to...

  • Unfold the Life of your Dreams!
  • Manifest Future Vision & Destiny!
  • Magnetically Attract Your Desires:
          Day-by-Day. Perfect Places. Perfect Times. Perfect Synchronicity
  • Chemically recondition your Mind-Body
          Shift:      Survival: (fight or flight = Stress) to
                        Thriving with Unlimited Potential = Grace

  • Enrich Mutlti-Dimensional Wholeness:
          Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Aspects of Yourself
  • Awaken and Expand the God Particles within Your DNA
  • Raise the Frequency and Vibration of your Electro-Magnetic, Body-Mind

  • Transform 3D (Matter) into 5D (Light)
    to Time Travel
Activate your
Galactic Birthrights
  • Birthday Super Power: Your Unique Birthright and Purpose (link decoder)
         - on which all your Birthrights build
  • Today's Birthright (building your Birthright)
  • FREE by Email (includes personalized birthday insights) (link)
Your Infinite Galactic Birthrights

Heart Resonance
Multi-Dimensional Abundance

Your Galactic Super Powers
Jami Lin, Your Award-Winning Galactic Guide

Initiating Passion
Living Potential

What is Galactic Spirit
Truths & Secrets

Shamanic Self
Self Mastery





-------------jami's notes-----------------------------------------






how do we render this and where? Answers question, what will GS do for me and why do I care? Maybe have "MORE" in #3 "Living Your Birthrights" - want to have a "Best Practices" page maybe these go there?

Evolve ONE Birthright a Day!





Set Intentions and Awareness with Your:

Thoughts (Mind/Mental)
Gratitude and Emotions (Heart/Emotional)
Actions (Body/Physical) to....

  • Awaken Dormant DNA
  • Manifest Future Vision & Destiny
  • Magnetize Fractals of Transformation
  • See, Sense & Feel with a New Mind
  • Transform 3D (Matter) into 5D (Light)
  • Expand Your Frequency & Vibration
  • Evolve Super-Human Consciousness
  • Increase Awareness & Synchronicities
  • Electro-Magnetic Coherence = Spiritual Resonance
  • Transcend Space/Time into Information (Quantum) Field