Thought and Emotions are the:
Keys (and blocks) for greatest access to your Galactic Spirit.
Most Inter-Connected and (usually, and speaking for myself), the least disciplined. |
Thoughts are Expressions of the Mind • Feelings are the Expression of the Emotional Body
Which came first? Does it matter? |
Thoughts are Emotionally Charged |
Emotions have Thoughts (of Past or Future attached to them) |
webmasters: I "tabled" this block to help me organize "like" topics
Here's NEW Mind evolutions that continue to be of great benefit:
Integrate each Daily Birthright as you will discover that each has Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Aspects that Inner-Connect with each other over time. |
Stay Present!
Be Self-Aware. Self-Correct and Re-Calibrate. "Command on Demand*" your needed Birthright when experiencing |
- looping, Monkey-Mind Spin and Mental Chatter
- Before you Emotionally react, so you can positively respond
- When you feel tightness in your Physical Body
Re-Frame negative thoughts, emotions and conditions into a Positive Spin |
- Gratitude is your "go-to!" There is so much to be grateful for, starting waking up every morning!
- Negative to Positive: Your Body is replacing toxic, Stress Chemicals (Surviving with Fight or Flight) will Happy
Chemicals (THRIVE!)
Practice makes Progress! |
- Take Pause! Explore your Abundant (Night) Emotional Dimensions of Receptivity (Wizard).
- When you "think you know" or attach to "something known," you block Seeds of New Discovery (Dragon) to Adventure (SkyWalker) into the Intuitive and Abundant (Night) Unknown. Be a Warrior! Traveling into the unknown helps overcome fear! Expand Vision (Eagle) and Live FREE (Moon)!
- Pay attention to Clear Signs of Mental, Physical and Emotional Inter-Connectivity. They are "surprise" Body Tingles, Goose Bumps and Full-Body Rushes
- Anchoring your Birthright(s) in your Mind with their respective symbols and energies
- "Command on Demand" your needed Birthright(s) with Visual Intentions
- Daily mental rehearsal with activated emotion the key is to train your brain to stay in is this new reality as compared to redundant, self sabotaging thought patterns
- Intentional thinking and self-regulated inspiring emotions of gratitude neurologically transmits electrical, mental neurons to be received by the magnetic of the body
- Practice Empathy: Care but don't take on other people's emotions. Observe like a Mirror - What can you learn from its reelection?
- Train the Inner-Connections of Inner World. The goal is to be at Mental and Emotional Peace beyond your Physical World (people, places and circumstances)
- Responding rather than reacting
I whole-heartedly know (Dog & Hand) that Galactic Spirit will Evolve your NEW Mental and Emotional Bodies .., it did for me and ever-expands my evolutionary consciousness Still, this Galactic Spirit connect is not specifically about rewiring the mind (even though it does), yet if inspired, I encourage you to explore the many quantum and powerful teachers/books available. There is always more to learn and new perspectives! |
anchor #emotional |
Ascension Day 9: Activate Heart Coherence with Intentional Em-Motion (Emotional Motion)
In ascension videos, notice how you spiral upward: Progressively transforming your Physical (Day 1), Mental (Day 3) and Emotional (Day 9) into Spirit (Day 13). With each day and 13-day Ascension, you'll expand your Electro-Magnetic Auric Field (Chakras) to pulse bigger and brighter and "travel" deeper and farther into 5th Dimensional Galactic Spirit. |
FIRST: please incorporate the Inner-Connectivity of Thought and Emotion
anchor #intense |
Intensified Emotion
Thought + Emotion = Enlightenment*
Clinical Studies measure the powerful Electro-Magnetic relationships between thought and emotion. Focused thought, prayer and affirmation creates moderate brain activity.
When Intensified Emotion is added...
Seeing, Sensing and FEELing you already have your desire,
even so intensely that you Feel your Body Tingle, the brain Lights Up!
*and Alighting your Frequency to the Vibration of Universal Galactic Spirit and Attracting Manifestations |
Clear Signs of Mental, Physical and Emotional Inter-Connectivity. are
"surprise" Body Tingles, Goose Bumps and Full-Body Rushes
You'll FEEL the Clear Sign! |
Emotional Quantum • Law of Time → Galactic: NoTime & NoSpace |
- Practice integrating Intensified Emotion. Observe Clear Signs and Intensify even further with GRATITUDE
- Take Pause! How many Dimensions to your Abundant (Night) Emotional Body? Do you begin with Unconditional LOVE (Dog)?
- Scientific HearthMath reveal that when we cultivate—intentionally or unintentionally—emotions of appreciation, love, and compassion (as opposed to anxiety, anger, or fear) heart rhythms are more coherent or consistent.
Surely you feel your heart beats faster with exercise
webmasters: should these be listed in "table" like other mockups? easier to read in WP?
Made yellow to indicate it is so important- how are you rendering important areas? |
Go Deep! Pay attention to heart rhythms! When you are emotionally upset, you will feel tightness and dis-ease in your heart.
SHIFT! • Galactic Spirt prepared YOU! • SHIFT!!
webmasters: should these be listed in "table" like other mockups? easier to read in WP? |
What you Think About, You Bring About! Command on Demand, Birthright. Focus on your Heart Chakra. Give yourself permission to Take Pause in Unconditional Acceptance and Self Love (Dog) , Reflect (Mirror) on the issue, Break "it's core"down to breakthrough (Storm) and release suffering (WorldBridger) . Know (Hand) that you are Unified with Source. (Sun) |
- Practice Your SHIFT! Like physical exercise, Intentional Mental Heart practice makes you stronger!
Strengthen Your Evolving Consciousness!
- Heart Coherence expands your Electro-Magnetic Field for best access to the Universal Galactic Spirit The Key to Heart Resonance is to maintain FEELINGS of...
Joy • Peace • Love • Gratitude • Compassion
- Feeling your smile throughout your body with Intensified Emotion during Birthright Activations makes your cells happy (releasing happy chemicals)!
Intensified Emotion is the Magic, Secret Sauce of Daily Birthrights (symbols and energies) with Intensified Emotion. Practice to quickens and effectively SHIFT into Positive BETA (Behaviors, Emotions, Thoughts and Actions), Evolve 5th Dimensional Consciousness, and Create your Galactic Destiny!
- GO DEEP! Use Mental Visualization to See, Sense and FEEL beyond the Known!
Ever-Expand and Evolve Your Glactic Spirit with Multi-Dimesnions, Chakras and Elevated Sense Perceptions: ESP and Physic Mastery
anchor #spiritual
Your Spirit heals with Joy
I am NOT my Worship.
I AM Birthright Wholeness
Affirm Today's "I AM" Birthright
You are the Creator of your Divine Plan! Accessing your your
Multi-Dmensional Birthrights is
the Key to Living the Life of Your Dreams |
Go Deep with Today's Birthright and Affirmation ... |
Expand and Pulse my Bio, Electro-Magnetic LIGHT to vibrate at higher frequencies. I Peel Away layers of OLD Karma. I unfold my Magnificent Birthrights and AbSOULute Knowing. I Deepen my two-way Connection with the Universal Galactic Spirit. |
Chakras of your Spiritual World
Ascension Day 13: Activate Spiritual Evolution with Progressive Fulfillment and Gratitude
In ascension videos, notice how you spiral upward: Progressively transforming your Physical (Day 1), Mental (Day 3) and Emotional (Day 9) into Spirit (Day 13). With each day and 13-day Ascension, you'll expand your Electro-Magnetic Auric Field (Chakras) to pulse bigger and brighter and "travel" deeper and farther into 5th Dimensional Galactic Spirit.
anchor #5d
Please refer to Knowing the Unknown and Galactic Expansion
We do not know what we do not know, and I know not to pretend that I know. ;-) I can only share my Galactic Spirt through my experience and provide how-to glimpse through my teachings, ascension videos, and heart/pineal activations.
Explained by Physics (and by me).
A five-dimensional space is a space with five dimensions. (5th Dimension has NoSpace and NoTime) If interpreted physically (length, width and depth), that is one more than the usual three spatial dimensions and the (4thD) fourth dimension of time used in relativistic physics. It is an abstraction which occurs frequently in mathematics, where it is a legitimate construct.
Spiritual Quantum • Law of Time → Galactic: NoTime & NoSpace |
- Take Pause! Consider the Unknown and Abundant (Night), ever-expanding (Sun) Enlightening Dimensions of your Spirit!
YOU are a child of the YOU-ni-Verse
The Universal Song of YOU
that is a fractal of the
Infinite, Universal Galactic Spirit |
Number Magic! Number is Vibrational Energy.
In the flawless wisdom of The Mayans, encoded is the DNA of your Birthrights.
Looking at the Mayan DNA Map each Galactic Cycle has
260 days of Birthing
human gestation
YOU are a Galactic Child
YOU are Child of the Universe
YOU are a Child of G-d
- The 5th Dimension holds all the inner wisdom of all your Birthrights in the Akashic Records: The cosmic library of all Galactic Knowledge
- Galactic Spirit has no boundaries or limitations. It is the Universal Source of Everything, It is the Infinite and has NoTtime and NoSpace. This Infinite Field of Knowledge is also referred to as
The Unified Field, The Quantum, The Divine Matrix, The Akash, Source....
and of course, G-d
- Your pineal gland, third-eye Chakra, is your "biological antenna" to receive and transmit 2-way connection to the 5th Dimension.
anchor #choose |
CHOOSE! Compassionate Action = Growth
Are YOU Willing?
(Choices are always Free Will)
Are You Willing to be a bystander or an Active Participant in your Life and Growth
"Not the world, not what’s outside of us, but what we hold inside traps us.
We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds,
but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world." ~Dr Gabor Mate
Observe Inner Thoughts and Outer Circumstance. Review and Question your Choices. Choose needed "Command on Demand" Birthrights (until Compassionate Action is automatic) for your present and long-term, best-interest and for all those in sphere of influence?
webmasters: I made to-do/examples in a table before, I do not know best way ... important to tell-them-and-tell-them-again "how to use!" in different ways/examples |
Examples: Reflect and Observe (Mirror) Calm your Inner (Storm) You are Worthy - Be Courageous! (Warrior) Choose LOVE over Fear! (Dog) Release self-sabotaging Patterns! (WorldBridger) Commit to Growth! (Seed) Commit to (Sun) as a Mutlti-Dimensional, Abundant (Night) Being! Dearest Galactic Spirit, YOU are getting "the picture," on how to Choose Integration YES!?
NEW: Explore! |
Choose: |
Assumption |
Question |
React |
Respond |
Linear (Convergent) 3D Thinking
One Solution |
Radial (Divergent), 5D, Full-System Thinking
Multiple SOULutions/Create Possibilities |
Complacency |
Growth |
Addicted Thoughts and Behavior |
Re-Programmed: Mental and Emotional Coherence |
Looping "Monkey Mind" |
The WILL of your MIND or Your Willing Heart |
Self-Sabotage/Enslavement |
I AM Whole! |
Survive |
Thrive! Love & Gratitude |
Limiting: Beliefs, Emotions, Thoughts and Actions |
Go Deep! Practice BETA Scans |
small: Remember NEW Happy Hormones (like serotonin) replaces OLD-STRESS Chemicals (like adrenaline) and evolves the Light of DNA and Human Consciousness |
----------------------------Jami's notes below----------original "dimensions notespage" - not loaded avail upon request s-dimesions_Old----------------------------
I AM not my Body running on habit |
I AM not my Body running on habit - My Galactic Spirit moves my Body |
YOur reactive emotions are not the Boss of YOU!
My Galactic Spirit Feels the Emotions |
Your thoughts are not the Boss of you.
Your Galactic Spirit is BOSS!
My Galactic Spirit thinks my Thoughts
Your "worship" is not the Boss of YOU
My Galactic Spirit Evolves my Spirit |
I am NOT my Thoughts, I am not my Mind,
I AM Birthright Wholeness
Affrim Today's "I AM" Birthright |
Ask Question: |
Attract greater material success, have more treasured relationships and deepen pleasures of the 5 senses.
Sign In (link) to explore Today's Dimension (link to dashboard)
Learn about your Multi-Dimensional Birthrights (link to birthrights) |
Chakras of your Physical World
Are you influenced by your Physical World or Are your a Creator of Your Physical World?
Magnetize what you want to bring "it" to you
Every Cell transforming - at it is core, same "stuff" as the the infinite universe (You are the universe becoming aware of itself - dup in PHYSICAL) - cellular level (chemical process) of transformation
Tingle in your hand
based upon number=frequencies of 260 days-same as a human birthing a child: you are a child of God
3D is ruled by 4D (Time? How is time 4d?)
The body heals with Play, the mind heals with laughter, the spirit heals with joy.
we are biologically wired to go beyond what we a already know - to go where we put our minds and emotions
Quantum: Physically we, like the universe, is on;t 4% Matter (Particle) * Atoms, cells, neutrons, photons +light particles: known (Galactic Field) space/void where all Universal information is stored - tie this is to SPIRIT WORLD ** Auric field is the radiance beyond the void in yourself, it is torus/toroidal - t energy, same as our planet field, and Galactic field
Sometimes people see Spirit Body in the Physical World: Auric field is the radiance beyond the voids in yourself, it is Terrestrial energy (Torus- YELOW image?), same as our planet field, and Galactic field
4D: dreams, telepathy, imagination, intuition - like you exercise the body, need to train the mind too, 4th dimensional Inner connection: Studies of Enlightening the brain with Inspired Emotion. **
Physical science, mental science emotional science, spiritual sight feeling science, when the visualization becomes emotionally charged it is in the realm of your emotional world oh, and science has proven that when you feel your thoughts, the frontal lobe lights up., that is an and lightning moment the frontal lobe signals the dormant Boyd's in your cells with chemicals to awaken and enlightened them and your physical world , governed by these enlightened cells , will evolve into multi-dimensional consciousness
Frontal lobe is the creative Center. The Emjois are symbols of possibility, the deeper the meaning that each of these symbols has for you the more effectively and quicker will I thought patterns will be created on a material ever, to change your life
Galactic symbols anchored in your brain, that you can call on as needed, are visual intentions.,
Changes the chemistry in body lightning up the frontal lobe blending your mental and emotional world is enlightening and changes the chemistry in your body
Physical science chemicals in the brain light up and stimulate does dormant cells to awaken
Thoughts are the expression of the mind, feelings are the expression of the body
Neurological circuitry
Practice empathy, but by staying detached from other people's emotions, you can observe them as a mirror, a reflection of yourself and learn from them too
Train your inner world, your mental and emotional world to be at peace beyond your physical world any person place or circumstance to make responsive not reactive choices
The blending of mind and emotion it's the key lights up the frontal lobe and activates the magnet or body within you to draw in what you call in to your destiny with your Birthright
Mental and emotional worlds are interconnected, the key is to separate from negative thoughts that create an emotional and chemical response in the body and rewire the emotional mind 2 feelings of thoughts and gratitude with the chemicals that go along with them |
Ask Question: |
Release self-sabotaging thoughts and endless mind-chatter while rewiring your Mind with unlimited, neuro-electric creativity
Chakras of your Mental World
Recalibrate and Self-Regulate your thinking
Cause and Effect, Cause the Effect (dup in Quantum)
recallable, rewire, condition with your Mutlti-Dimensional birthrights
new frame of mind, new mind
neurons cells are antenna
Express gratitude for your blessings - what you focus on expands
Daily mental rehearsal with activated emotion the key is to train your brain to stay in is this new reality as compared to redundant, self sabotaging thought patterns
Intentional thinking and self-regulated inspiring emotions of gratitude neurologically transmits electrical, mental neurons to be received by the magnetic of the body
The human brain (yes yours) is made up of 100 billion nerons and nearly 100 trillion synatpses or Electrical Connections! There are more connections in your brain than there are stars in the Milk Way!
Evolve your Brain to Shine Bright your Glactic Spirit Bright!
Electricirty - build on Day 3 and integrate with your Magnetic Body (tuned on day 1) on Days 4 & 5...to pulse your Electromagetic Field bigger and brighter with each progresion of your 13-day transformation.) There is more |
Ask Question: |
Move beyond the emotional traps of past physical and mental trauma. With all 5 senses, you’ll be able to intentionally see, sense and feel that your dreams are already attained, which attracts them even more!
Chakras of your Emotional
Sign In (link) to activate today's #hakra/Plasma(Chakra link)
Learn about Chakras (link to learn)
Do you get upset with people or situations? Both are Powerless without your Reactions!
Heart coherence is the expansion of your electromagnetic field * Heart connection to the unified field through the key to all this work the heart heart coherence is holding onto an elevated emotion joy peace love gratitude compassion
Feel "as if:" You are already there: visualize the senses so you feel them in your body
You are the Creator of your divine plan, accessing your your multi-dimensional birthrights is the key to living the life of your |
Ask Question: |
Expand and pulse your bio-electro-magnetic LIGHT to vibrate at higher frequencies to peel away layers of old karma, unfold your magnificent birthrights, and deepen your two-way connection with the Universal Galactic Spirit.
Chakras of your Spiritual World
Sign In (link) to activate today's #hakra/Plasma(Chakra link)
Learn about Chakras (link to learn)
360 dimensions - Spirit is 360 dimensions, as a sphere all around you, like an ever-expanding Galaxy oh, it is the unknown it's the source of everything oh, it's the Divine Matrix or Galactic field oh, whatever you want to call it it has no limits it is it it is of no time and no space
Pineal gland, third eye Chakra, biological antenna to receive connection 2 the universal Galactic spirit. Access to higher dimensions of no time and no space, the place where you store the imagery and visualization and meaningful death of the symbols.
You are a child of the YOU-ni-Verse! (The Universal Song of YOU connected to the Infinite Field)
astral realm
- Evolved Consciousness
- Developed Telepathy
- Multi-Dimensional Manifestation
5D holds the inner wisdom of all your Birthright in the Akash, the source of all the universal and Galactic knowledge, cosmic core of Galactic Knowledge |