Jami's Notes - schematic incomplete

page holder for https://galacticspirit.com/Activations/Chakra.php


Title: About Galactic Spirit: Chakra & Plasma Energies
Discover the Chakra/Plasma being activated in Your Glactic Spirit today

Every 7 days, the Chakras and Plasmas radially-spiral around the body (like a galaxy). Once each Chakra is in balance, the Plasmas (the fueling station) ever-expand Multi-Dimensional Wholeness of your Physical, Menta, Emotional and Spiritual Self.

Please refer to ColorAlchemy.com
(my award-winning book with Chakra teachings)

Prana Crystals, double-terminated Hmalayan crystals
are powerful activators for Chakra/Plasma enhancment

Every day each, respectoive, Charka/Plasma "sprials" around your body" strenthening your multi-demnsional auric field. Instead of Chkara/Plasma energies moving in straight line (from top-to-bottom of the body - as in "location/function" list below), they move in "Radial Acention" spirilling tword your Heart on Rainbow Day


Radial Spirals! (read slowly and visualize**) with ever-enriching Chkara/Plamsa activation, without a biggening or end, let's start with

Crown/Dali (top): channel to Universal Glactic Sprit (moves to bottom)
Root/Seli (bottom): channel to Earth Center (spirals upward)
3rd Eye/Gamma (eyes):

With Em-Powered Intention (Heart Chakra/Silo Plasma) and concentrated on the pineal as an electro-magnetic receiver (3rd Eye/Gamma Plasma), plasma is harnessed from Universal Galactic Spirit (through your Crown Chakra/Dali Plasma) and from Crystalline Earth Grid (through Root Chakra/Seli Plasma)



fueling Plasma
location & (general) function



Your Spiritual Self: top/crown of the head

portal, opens channel for two-way communication with Universal Galactic Spirit, upper-most center of the body for Radial, Multi-Dimensional Transformations, connection to

3rd Eye


Your Visionary Self:center of head/powerful pineal gland, seat of consciousness

Cristals in pineal are electro-magnetic receivers offering the unseen frequencies to be seen (activate with Prana Crystals)



Your Thoughtful Self: throat

know thyself with clarity, say what you mean, mean what you say, do you ask questions and think and discover answers, are you multi-dimesionally thoughtful?


Your Loving Self: heart - SPECIAL "Rainbow Day"

seat of Heart Coherence, Intentional Em-Motion (Empowered Action of Intention)

Will/ Solar

Your Confident Self: solar plexus

Seat of Your Personal Glacactic Spirit: Will Power and Personal Power, Limi asks the supreme essence of transformation, "Are YOU Willing?"


Your Emotional Self: sex organs, yoni/pingala, catalyst of kundalini movement up and down the Chakra/Plasma channel

sexual/creative energy, balances giving/receiving, acceptance, harmonizes emotional feelings: is "IT" a need or a want?



Your Physical Self: bottom of tail bone

portal, opens channel for two-way communication to the crystalline core of the Earth Center (Gaia's 3rd Eye/Pineal), bottom center of the body for Radial, Multi-Dimensional Transformations, foundation of everything