E-learn Event

Re-Birth Your Evolutionary Mind - in 9 months

Evolve YOU and Awaken Humanity

EVOLVE! Your Eagle Birthright

AWAKEN! Expanded Views & SEE-ing the Unseen

PRIVATE Facebook Page (emailed after registration) and GO DEEP into Your Infinite YOU during each Ascension

COMING SOON! - for now, Join Jami LIVE • FREE !

Jami Lin is currently broadcasting FREE and LIVE
during the first few days of Eagle Ascension to
Expanded Views & SEE-ing the Unseen
- Get FREE EagleWorkBook/Journal too!

FREE! Spiritual 'Spiral-Up' Ascension LIVE Transmissions


-----------Page in Process (BELOW) --- Course is not being offered yet----------there are duplicated blocks up top to make sure people see free stuff and not go into below----

Course Curriculum: Birthrights into Wholeness | Quantum Awakening

Jami Lin is currently broadcasting FREE and LIVE
during the first few days of Eagle Ascension to Expanded Views & SEE-ing the Unseen

FREE! Spiritual 'Spiral-Up' Ascension LIVE Transmissions

Discover Your Galactic Spirit in Minutes! [Watch these Awesome Videos!]
Remember: All Offerings and Practices are designed for YOU to get 'More Joy in Less Time!

(Need MA's 8 min vid here - SB: coming after NY)

-----------Page in Process (BELOW) --- Course is not being offered yet--------------

Infinite YOU! Curriculum

Evolving YOU: Re-Birthing Your Evolutionary Mind

SIGN-UP NOW!Birthrights into Wholeness | Quantum Awakening | Class Dates

STARTS Every Ascension Cycle on 'Transformation Tuesday'
Your Perpetual Birthrights are in Progressive 'Spiral-Up'Begin your Cycle-of-ReCreation NOW!

Event Banner

Note: Includes 'Infinite YOU:' Birthrights into Wholeness & Quantum Awakening (Tuesdays)
AND Spiral-Up & Concetrated Birthrights (Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays)

You'll also get....   CommUNITY: Evolve YOU and Awaken Humanity!

In CommUNITY, all over the world, in Combined and ever-increasing UNIFIED Vibration, together ...

YOU, ME and WE are in Evolutionary Alignment! WE are Experiencing the SAME ...

YOU are Not Alone!

Galactic Spirit

WE are CommUNITY!

As a Galactic Spirit, Synchronistically, WE are ALL Experiencing the same Evolutionary 'pull' and 'calling:'

  • WE Seek! Deeper Healing through Self-Actualization (knowing we have to HEAL HARM before HARMony)
  • WE Seek! Beyond (with the Knowing) there is MORE than what we have thus known in 3D
  • We Know! WE are SHIFTing HUMANITY with Awakening Consciousness

YOU, ME and WE are Awakening Humanity with Curiosity and Wonder:

WE (together) supports (your personal) Evolving YOU :

Galactic Spirit logo offers 2 sacred, YOU, ME and WE Visualizations:

  1. YOU: Your Infinite Birthrights and Vibration ever-expending Your Galactic, Spiritual Light
  2. WE: Are Fractals of Wholeness in Mutual, Loving Support of each other in CommUNITY, SHIFTing Planetary Consciousness into Awakening Humanity

Personalized Weekly E-readings
Weekly E-Readings

Personalized Earth & Galactic Readings
Earth & Galactic Birthday Readings

Quick Daily Insights to AHA!
Quick Daily
Insights to AHA!

PlayBook for Your Journaling
for Your Journaling

LIVE Meditations with JamiLin
LIVE meditations
with Jami Lin

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