Feb 22, 2025

Galactic Spirit Logo

What is Universal Galactic Spirit?

4 Inter-Related Truths with Mayan Wisdom

Essential Galactic Spirit
Synchronicity = Inner & Inter Connectivity

Enjoy the entire 'Essence of Your Infinite Birthrights' [Video] Series

"The goal of life is to make your
heartbeat match the beat of the universe"

~ Joseph Campbell

Jami Lin LOVES sharing the HOW and WHY
the built-in Quantum Metaphysics provides YOU with
Consistent Manifestation Results

Check out Video:

4 Quantum Secrets to Raise Your Frequency!
Activating Your DNA Light-Codes of Manifestation

This Unified Field of Knowledge is also referred to as

The Quantum

Divine Matrix

Infinite Akashic

Source & G-d

Jami Lin discuses toroidal field the metaphysics (unseen force) within your birthrights in the

FREE class called ‘4 Quantum Secrets to Raise Your Frequency!
Activate Your DNA Light-Codes of Manifestation’

in Master Manifestation and Life-Long Abundance through 2-Minute Birthright Activations

Every day offers a New, Universal Birthright

that WE ALL Galactic Spirits experience each day, so...

Galactic Spirit may be (limitedly) thought of as
"Galactic Mayan Astrology"

It's breath is as profound and prophetic
as the SOURCE of Infinite Intelligence
and Universal Knowing