Warrior Ascension |
Daily Birthright 'Spiral-Up' ColorsInitiations & Multi-Dimensional Light
Intro |
2 Keys |
Binary: Dots & Bars |
Ascension Colors |
Initiations & Dimensions
(SOFT LAUNCH: SB10/16) scroll or click italic links (in blue title): Colors: Ascensions, Dimensions & Harmonics
Galactic Spirit COLOR Identifies Spiral-Ups within Multi-Dimensional Ascensions
Go Deeper with Advanced,* Advancing-Color Teachings
Explore Color MAGIC to Advance Your Evolutionary Progress
* Beginners, focus on One-Birthright-a-Day and Observe Synchronicities. Add COLORS as inspired and inclided
**learn more in Jami Lin's award-winning ColorAlchemy book and explore deeper Chakra understanding
ADVANCED! DAILY COLORS: Ascensions, Dimensions & Harmonics
Ascend-Up during the 13-Day Dragon HOUSE
Activate &
Express &
Explore examples: SOUL Destiny (Dragon), Shamanship (Wizard) & Success (Hand)
Multi-Dimensional Focus COLORS |
The COLORS (BELOW) and 2nd wheel of your Galactic Compass enrich
Spiritual (Purple) |
+ |
Physical (Red) |
+ |
Emotional (Blue) |
+ |
Mental (Yellow) |
= |
Your Multi-Dimensional Light |
Initiate Destiny |
Activate & Imprint |
Transform |
Crystallize |
Wholeness |
Day 1 Soul Magnetic Spiritual |
Day 2 Psychic Lunar Physical |
Day 3 Abundance Electric Emotional |
Day 4 Life Self-Existing Mental |
Day 5 Life Passion Overtone Spiritual |
Day 6 Ego Rhythmic Physical |
Day 7 Accomplishment Resonant Emotional |
Day 8 Sensory Galactic Mental |
Day 9 Pure Solar Spiritual |
Day 10 Heart Planetary Physical |
Day 11 Inner Child Spectral Emotional |
Day 12 Wise Crystal Mental |
Day 13 Unknown Cosmic Spiritual |
Explore Your Multi-Dimensions with every DAILY Birthright
Birthright Harmonic COLORS
Notice how the COLOR of each Birthright represents a 4-Day Progressive Cycle
Harmonics are Short and 'Powerful, Spiral-Ups' to Pause,
Day Initiate |
Day Refining |
Day Transforming |
Day Integrating |
Harmonic |
Soul Destiny Dragon |
Physic Voice Wind |
Abundance Night |
Life Potential Seed |
Harmonic |
Life Passion Serpent |
Ego Freedom WorldBridger |
and so on |
... |