Expect Miracles = Bio + Mind Hacking!Meta & Cosmic DNA | Mind Matters | Living Light Codes | SkyWalk | Bio + Mind Hack | Octave Frequencies |
(SOFT LAUNCH: SB 10/11- JL: ADD Goosebumps, Body Rushes, Spirtual Chills: confirming physical manifestation with elevated emotion, syncronicity and/or soul resonance) scroll or click italic links (in blue title): Today's | Expect Miracles! | Fact & Simple | NO Stress Easy | Hacking Good Memories | Conscious - Unconscious | Your Innate & Quantum SOUL
Expect Miracles with One-Birthright-a-Day!
Warrior Ascension |
Insights for Today's Blue Self-Existing Storm (DAILY Birthright) in
Blue Self-Existing |
Automatically: Transform & Manifest! + Raise Your Vibration |
We are Innately Light Beings. YOU taking Compassionate Action
Expect Miracles!YOU have the POWER - Your POWER is in Your Quantum DNA |
You are a magnificent Galactic Spirit, You had the Power all along |
Notice how Your Spiraling DNA is
Notice how Your TORUS with
Expect Miracles!Fast & Simple: 15-second Pineal-Beat Activations |
'Drop-In' to Your DAILY Birthrights with: |
Invest a few minutes, consistently each day, |
that's ALL YOU need to do! |
that's ALL YOU need to do! |
No need to remember, know, understand or track anything -
Keep 'Galactic Spirit' as SIMPLE as you'd like!
Expect Miracles!AbSOULutely, no hour-long meditations, stress or overwhelm ... |
The WOW HACK = NEW Good Memories!
ONE Birthrights a Day + Synchronicity + Feel-the-Feels of Your Elevated Emotions* =Creating NEW Memories = NEW Consciousness |
*Elevated by the Experience OR when you ...
Set Intentions and Command on Demand each Daily Birthright to
Radiate the LIGHT of Your Chakras and Plasmas into Your DNA...
Consciously 'Bio + Mind' Hack YOUR SHIFT in Consciousness
“Until you make the unconscious conscious,
it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
~ C.G. Jung
Expect Miracles!Bio + Mind Hack = Make Your Unconscious, Conscious |
EASY! • You are getting this, right? |
Keep it Simple: |
Taking Conscious Action 'automates '
ONE Birthright a Day,
Expect Miracles!Your Quantum SOUL is Infinite, Enlightened & Pure |