Your Akashic Records are GalacticYOU are a Living Fractal of WholenessYour Binary-Light Codes = Ascension |
(SOFT Launch: SB 7/15) scroll or click italic links (in blue title): Fractals | Fractals = Your SuperPower | Example: Binary= Dots + Bars | Forward Thinking | Magnetic Days
Serpent: Initiate Passion
A Fractal is a mathematical and integral component of the WHOLE having
the same Multi-Dimensional Properties
A drop of water has the same properties as an ocean.
A branch has the same properties as a tree
Ever-expanding logarithmic spirals (Fibonacci) as in a nautilus shells or
galaxies contain fractals of each other
Fractals compress inward and expand outward
Fractals of Your SuperPower = Wholeness Keys to Know Thyself
For Your Galactic Spirit:
Fractals compress inward into smaller and more Refined energy-patterns of Wholeness (Birthrights Refine Yourself)
Fractals expand outward into broader evolutions of it's energy-patterns (Birthrights Evolve Yourself)
Refine and Evolve YOU!
Each of Your 20 Birthrights are Living Fractals of each other and when combined are Living Wholeness
Each of Your 20 Birthrights have 13 Fractalized Vibrations (or 'Binary Codes of Ascension) that Compress,
20 x 13 = 260 Fractals of Flawless & Perfect Wholeness
With Conscious, Self-Reflection (MIRROR Birthright), use all 20 Birthright Fractals to:
LIVE Your Best and Happiest YOU!
Forward Thinking into Going Deep into Mastery:
Whatever your "nuanced birthright (scroll for my Magnetic Serpent example), for Serpent to be whole, YOU, ME and WE can aspire to having each of all fractalized- nuances of each Birthrights to be Infinitely Whole
We Ascend into these Sacred Numbers every day. Here's more Nuances of the Sacred-Numbered Ascensions for Raising Your Vibration into the Ascension videos
Jami Lin's SuperPower is MAGNETIC Serpent, one of thirteen ascensions of the Serpent HOUSE
Always notice the Dots & Bars above the each symbol
MAGNETIC has 1 dot + 0 bars = #1
Day #1 always holds the start energy of each 13-day HOUSE Ascension
Each of the 13 days is fractalized with it's Sacred Number Ascending toward Your Infinite Wholeness
Every Ascension starts with ONE Dot...
Your First, ONE Step, Step Up into each Ever-Advancing Ascension
Magnetic Days "Set Intentions" to Raise Your Vibration of each Ascension HOUSE
Magneticone dot |
As MAGNETIC Serpent, I AM the Galactic Spirit Initiate As MAGNETIC Serpent, I AM the Galactic Spirit Initiate It is not enough for me to merely integrate all Serpent 'Dot & Bar nuances' |
IMPORTANT! Your Birthright is the Foundation on which
ALL 20 Birthrights build Your Wholeness
All Daily Birthrights,
and their perpetually-expanding nuances,
is what Exponentially Evolves YOU!
Whatever Your SuperPower (Get FREE) or SIGN-IN, EVERY DAY ... Integrate Your Discovered Synchronicities by:
There is not a nuance that is more important than another,
just as each Fractalized Birthright has it's Unifying Power into Your Wholeness
Wholeness Reminders: YOU experience Magnetic Serpent (and all 13-ascensions of Serpent) as a fractal of YOUR Personal Birthrights once every 260 days (9 months of your re-BIRTH) WE experience Magnetic Serpent (and all 13-ascensions of Serpent) as a fractal of OUR Global, Universal Galactic Spirit every 260 days too! |