schematic complete

MEMBERSHIP LEVELS: (at this time), as with membership page (, Special, Dimensions, Chakra, Castles, Season or Ascension - do not currently know what is open at what level - will make decisions when web masters advise. Thinking payment #3Yearly-A: special deal of just "Monthly basics" & #3Yearly-B: "Everything!"

Ida said, "URL names are easy" - please make them intuitive and representative of page. Links/anchors throughout my mock ups are to identify where links/anchors go on "my schematically-named pages."
The only 2 pages we have to maintain names are

Ascending your HOUSE Birthrights = Dots and Bars
Expanding Your Electro-Magnetic Field = Levels of Consciousness

On each Header and Daily Video Activation
notice "Dot-and-Bar combination" that
symbolizes your 13-day Ascension

rotate art/progress

Ascension Video on
(20Wave)'s 13-days of (20w-meaning

expanding your
Electro-Magnetic field


Remember! "Law of Time: Cycles within Cycles?

Galactic Keys (260-days) are the Concentrated Energies within each HOUSE (13-days)
another perspective: there are 13-days of Concentrated Keys in each HOUSE

Ida/Gayle: am I clear here? this is so important - referring to same aboutGS#timewheel
made "with it's concentrated" (BELOW) to try in cycle-within-cycle

As you progress through these 13-days, Today, GO DEEP! Focus on Cycle within Cycle!

13-day HOUSE

JL(Synergize Electro-Magnetic Self)

(I AM-Affirm)
* I AM Unconditional Acceptance,
Forgiveness and Compassion)

Day X of 13


HOUSE of (20Glyph)
HOUSE of Dog


IDA: can you program to break text pretty? as above mockup/break for "I AM"

with it's concentrated

Daily Galactic Keys

Today, as you Ascend with (20Wave)'s 13-days of (20w-meaning),
how does the Daily Galactic Key of (13DotBar) (20Gyph)
(13DB-actions) of (20G-Meaning) (Your)
(20g-Meaning) of (20g-Deeper)

JL: Today, as you Ascend with (Dog)'s 13-days of (Universal Love),
how does the Daily Galactic Key of (Self-Existing) (Dragon)
(Synergize Electro-Magnetic Self) (Deepen Your)
(Discovery) of (Re-Birthing Future)


IDA: can you program to break text pretty? as above mockup/break for "Keys"  


(anchor #asension-vid)

Transform Your (20w-deeper) during this 13-day Ascension HOUSE of (20wave)

JL: Transform Your (Heart Resonance)
during this 13-day Ascension HOUSE of (Dog)

Smiling Visualization: Crystal Beam of LIGHT

Rotating ANIMOTO Placeholders for these videos- not made yet -
(will not be made for launch -

instructions- same as before contract - please refer to original notes

Functions exactly like - rotates every 13 days
membership#5 DB: Lot/Table:videos13 these are YouTube URLS
put NEW columns for ascension vids here? Need to be ANIMOTO URLS
Please put placeholder URLS on the 260 lines so we can test rotation functioning and membership unlocking (you can get ANIMOTO URLS from DB:/Lot/Table:videos)


anchor #em

Electro-Magnetic Integration
Evolving the "Dots and Bars" your Electro-Magnetic Self

Reminder: The higher your Electro-Magnetic Frequency (tuned-up like a on a light dimmer), the Bigger and Brighter the Vibration of Your Galactic Light, the faster/easier it is to "become one with" Universal Galactic Spirit and to become a Magnet for your Desires.

Each day offers a Multi-Dimensional Focus, each progressively building upon each other through 13 Actions Steps such as during our Ascension into (20W-Deeper) with (20-wave)'s (20w_meaning).

JL: Each day offers a Multi-Dimensional Focus, each progressively building upon each other through 13 Actions Steps such as during our Ascension into (Unconditional Acceptance) with (Dog)'s (Universal Love).

Dots & Bars represent 1,2,3,4...13 days of Evolutionary Intelligence
with a numerical binary system - how cool is that?! - like computer code! ;-)

As described in Ascension and Insight videos...

Practice with Intensified, Elevated Emotion

The first, 4 days of each Ascension, YOU "Initiate Destiny" by expanding your Electro-Magnetic Field

1st Day is always Magnetic
Your Body is Magnetic! (Physical Dimension)
Practice FEELING every cell tingling, every cell vibrating!!

Goose Bumps acknowledge that a profound, spiritual thought and/or emotion is resonating truth in your Body!
2nd Day is always Lunar Practice FEELING Complete and Whole: Over Separation of Body, Mind, Emotion and Spirit
3rd Day is always Electric Your Mind is Electric! (Mental Dimension)
Gently replace looping and unproductive thoughts with purpose. Visualize Neurons alive and firing in your brain to Electrify Action! Command on Demand Electronic Impulses to Power-Up and "Electrify your Body" Command Thoughts into Matter!
4th Day is always Self-Existing

You are Self- Existing! You are a Synergized Electro-Magnetic Radiant Beam!

YOU "Commanded on Demanded" Electronic Impulses to Power-Up and "Electrify your Body"

YOU Command Thoughts into Matter! Thoughts Matter!

FEEL Your Electro-Magnetic Tingle!

YOU are getting this, right?


(color text or ????) and spiral upward with each 13-day ascension, In the Daily Insights (videos) ...
9th Day is always Solar Set Intentional Em-Motion with Heart Coherence (4D: Emotional Dimension)
13th Day is always Cosmic Progressive Spiritual Evolution (5D: Spirtual Dimension)
Live in Fulfilled Gratitude

Days 6 thru 13 progressively Expands and Beams your Electro-Magnetic Self
to "Activate and Imprint," "Transform," "Express and Manifest,"
and "Create Galactic Wholeness!"

Beam Bigger and Brighter!


web masters: I do not know how to layout this "block" using onion image - it is important visualization and will be included in Ascension videos so this solidifies important point (text underneath Onion image)

(anchor #onion)
Onion or Lotus?
Isn't this a great visualization?

As you peel away OLD unproductive aspects of yourself, you Blossom into a Lotus!

Lotus is Universal Symbol of Transformation and Crown Chakra

Growing out of the dirtiest waters,

YOU Evolve into the most beautiful flower

Live in Your (Lotus)
Throne of Consciousness

Onion into Lotus: Re-Wire NEW Self


As mentioned in Ascension and Insight videos...

Every 13 day Ascension is a discovery of deeply integrating ONE Birthright in the most Powerful Way!

Peel Away OLD Onion - Evolve NEW 10,000 Petal Lotus

During our Ascension into (20W-Meaning) with HOUSE of (20-wave)'s (20w_deeper) ...

JL: During our Ascension into (Universal Love) with HOUSE of (Dog)'s (Unconditional Acceptance)...

While intentions during this13-day ascension are to deepen evolutions of (20W-Meaning), exampled are Intergrations to Think Holistically using ALL your Birthrights!

If you are a beginner, be patient - allow your Lotus to Unfold!

All Birthrights are waiting to holistically support you!
All Birthrights already belong to you and are eager to be deepened!

I promise, in experiencing just a few Cycle within Cycles "HOUSE spins,"

YOU will LOVE how each Birthright is a Fractal of YOU
in Multi-Dimensional and Infinite Transformation!!

  Reflect Mirror
  on each day to Re-Discover Dragon
  your Mutlti-Dimensional Night
  Innate Self (Source/Soul) Sun

1. Peel Away OLD Onion


Release Suffering, Self-Sabotage and Karma!

Go Deep! RELEASE! What is holding your back from (20w_deeper) and (20W-Meaning)


2. Evolve NEW 10,000 Petal Lotus


Go Deep! Re-Wire! Receive!

Experience all Multi-Dimensions of your Chakras
with Elevated Emotion!

Welcome, Integrate and Express Gratitude
for (20w-deeper)

  Be a Clear Channel
  to Embody & Express Accomplishments
  3. Go Deep! LIVE and Ever-Evolve!
  LIVE with Magic, Play and Joy


JL: should DNA & Visualization stay here OR go where? Careful, there are anchor links above for it - will need to move ore edit

anchor #dna

web masters: I did not lay out this section so it is visually balanced - not sure best way to do it

Please incorp these 2 images special/dna.gif and galactic-brain.gif

(also have special/tzolkin.gif - if it helps for visual or explanation)

Upgrade Your DNA with Thought

It is no coincidence that the The DNA Star Gates and Heart Portals look like DNA on the Time Map!

Reminder: There are 52 Powerful and Magical Gateways in Time and indicated on Interactive Moon-Calendar and detailed in Daily Insight videos

What You Think About
You Bring About - Upgrade Your DNA

Basic Cellular & Physiological Science explains how through mental and emotional cultivation, your body makes beneficial chemical changes. Stress Hormones (like adrenaline) are replaced with Happy Hormones (like serotonin).

This chemical change reconditions and rewires the brain with enhanced neuro-circuitry and neuroplasticity (electrical neurons grow with new connectivity).

Galactic Spirit along with all positive mental conditioning re-programs your mind-body from feelings of surviving in fight or flight to thriving with long-term, unlimited potential.

Thoughts Activate Your Genes: Epigenetics (modification of gene expression) studies how behavior and environment influences how DNA is turned "on or off" Clearly, positive mental conditioning regulates a body that is healthy or with dis-ease.

With epigenetic study in it's infancy, there is much room for scientific understanding of Human Consciousness.

VOID = Universal Intelligence = G-d Particle

  • What are the VOID, "empty spaces" between the atoms in DNA structure?

  • Is the Universal Intelligence of the "empty space" the same as in Expanding Galaxies?
  • How does the G-d Particle that connects ALL THAT EXISTS a part of me?

DNA is Cosmic Code, the Universal Fractal!

The FULL Potential of The Cosmos is within Our Human Capacity
Universal Quantum Law helps us Living Our Full Potential  

Seed = Fractal of the Mighty Tree

Intentional-Mental Conditioning is a TURN ON!

Turn ON on The VOID within YOU!

I AM ONE with The Universal Galactic Spirit
My Birthrights are Complete, Whole and Infinite

I lovingly command The G-d Particle within me, to lengthen my telomeres
(the genetic end caps on DNA monitoring healthy longevity)

I lovingly command the Universal Intelligence within my DNA
to beam bigger and brighter with Electro-Magnetic Light


JL: should DNA & Visualization stay here OR go where? Careful, there are anchor links above for it - will need to move ore edit

Electro-Magnetic Integration - here? links? refer to?

Put on videos HERE for sure

anchor #visual

Smiling Visualization
Crystal Beam of Light

As described in Ascension and Insight videos...

"Traveling* in a Crystalline Sphere" is excellent visualization when adventuring (meditating) into NoSpace and NoTime.

*Visual Meditations = Traveling or Adventuring: Focused and Intentional "Moving Animations in Your Mind"

Go Deep with (20Wave)'s Birthright**
Ascend with 13-days of (20w-meaning) and Insightful (20w-Meaning)

Remember: "Pixelate" your Chakras as
you beam your Big and Bright
Electro-Magnetic, Rainbow Sphere into
The Universal Galactic Spirit!


FEEL the Ascension Energies with Intensified Emotion as if your desires are already attained. Your Quantum Brain (Upgraded by your DNA) will Imprint and Activate these Feel-Good Memories to Magnetize Success and Manifestation to YOU!

SMILE! Visualize all your cells smiling! Flood all your cells with Happy Hormones!

FEEL Your Birthrights Expand!

There is no separation between your Rainbow, Galactic Spirit and The Universal Galactic Spirit. Without mental, emotional and physical attachments, your vibration increases your illuminated, Electro-Magnetic Sphere for 5D Expansion and 3D Success.

anchor #13

13-days of Ascension
in Daily Activation videos
Ascension Energies
Transformational "Action Steps!"
Traditional Keywords
Initiate Destiny: Discover the Keys
1st Day is always Magnetic Magnetize Living Potential

Purpose, Unity, Attract

2nd Day is always Lunar Overcome Duality Challenge, Polarize, Stabilize
3rd Day is always Electric Electrify Action Service, Activate, Bond
4th Day is always Self-Existing Synergize Electro-Magnetic Self Form. Define, Measure
Activate & Imprint: Explore the Keys
5th Day is always Overtone Command Trust & Empowerment Radiance, Empower, Command
6th Day is always Rhythmic Balance & Organize Fractals Equality, Organize, Balance
7th Day is always Resonant Resonate Truth & Authenticity Attunement, Channel, Inspire
8th Day is always Galactic Express Integrity & Alignment Integrity, Harmonize, Model
Transform: Integrate the Keys
9th Day is always Solar Set Intentional Em-Motion & Heart Coherence Intention, Pulse, Realize
10th Day is always Planetary Observe Progressive Synchronicity Manifestation, Perfect, Produce
11th Day is always Spectral Integrate & Dissolve into Wholeness Liberations. Dissolve, Release
Express & Manifest: Radiate the Keys
12th Day is always Crystal Crystallize Vision in CommUnity Cooperation, Dedicate, Universalize
Wholeness - YOU-niVerse: Master the Keys
13th Day is always Cosmic Live in Fulfilled Gratitude and Progressive Spiritual Evolution Presence Endure, Transcend

(anchor #13sheets)

Spiral of Infinite Evolution


Print 8.5 x 11
Place special token or crystal
on X of 13 Day

Track and Journal
Your Insights, Inspirations
and Synchronicities!

Print 8.5 x 11
Draw Today's (20glyph)
and 13-day (20wave)
within its (Castle NAME)




-----------------------------------------OLD notes as provide before contract-------------------------------------

"Traveling in a Crystalline Sphere" is excellent visualization when adventuring (meditating) into NoSpace and NoTime. Go Deep with (20Wave)'s Birthright: Ascend with 13-days of (20w-meaning) and Insightful (20w-Meaning)


JL: "Traveling in a Crystalline Sphere" is excellent visualization when adventuring (meditating) into NoSpace and NoTime. Go Deep with (Dog)'s Birthright: Ascend with 13-days of (Unconditional Acceptance) and Insightful (Universal Love)



anchor #em (JL: go thru sight and anchor to here) discuss Electro-Magnetic Progression to beam your light Bigger & Brighter

Peel like an onion


13-day Ascension
Spirals of Infinite Evolution


Ascending your Birthrights
Is the Practice of Expanding your Electro-Magnetic Field

might be nice to put art/20wheel rotation here

(20Wave) HOUSE: Unlocking Keys of Ascension
Elevating your (20W-Deeper) and (20W-Meaning)

JL Notes:

(Dragon) HOUSE: Unlocking Keys of Ascension
Elevating your (Designing Destiny) and (Initiating Purpose)

HOUSE Ascension? links from "Special#intentions, I am referring to "HOUSE" - HOUSE content is (included) on FULL vids, membership# 5 (and unlocks there) and membership#4 (images rotates there but links to and opens NEW rotating vids) - QUESTION: where should link on Special#intentions go? It could even go on AboutGS#lot



Expand your Electro-Magnetic "Aura" Field for Unlimited Connection to Universal Galactic Spirit: As you spiral upward with each Ascensions KEY, you Pulse Brighter!

day 1: always be clear about intentions: progressively look how you are following through with them.

put WaveSpell video on here as a bonus?


image is excellent meditation visualization when I mention traveling into NoSpace and NoTime in the Ascension Series (rotating on this page) and on Go Deep into your House! Insights & Meditations


Rotations as shown ("unlocked & membership" email as on 9/16 and email called Progress - currently sent - 9/24)

Video Placeholders (Rotating same as paid/full/): allow unlock for only 3rd Level/paid YEARLY, in other words:

  1. if only paid monthly they can see rotating image (but not video)
  2. small images (but not access to big .jpgs)


Started "snap shot" list of progression (find it!) add metaphor during each (starting maybe with #1)

Think of your OLD programming as an Onion, peel Peeling off the layers of the onion, and spiral up to building your enlightening lotus, adding one Birthright (petal) at a time

Most Old Programming is rooted in fear and worry, replace that darkness, with Galactic Spirit that holds only LIGHT of Love and Compassion. Tip: the more you can detail your specific circumstances, the more the Core of the OLD is rooted in fear and worry. In your progressive revelations (peel onion/grow lotus), replace them with your Birthright-of-the-Day and/or Command-on-Demand your Birthright Team for assistance to reveal, recalibrate and rewire old into NEW with the Love and Compassion of your Innate Self, that is Your Soul Self...the Divine Child of God that you are. Say your I AM's out loud! I AM That!

------------------------not sure best way to lay out this page-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ascending Spiral of Infinite Progress (name as called on Main Membership) - see DT/GS/progressions (use this for notes and writing)


Prana Tube, Elevator of Light (Skywalker will help you with visualization/ascension )

meditation: coordinate with your breath

practicing witness, remember, command on demand, and Absolute certainty

Ida, can the numbers (1st, 2nd) be rendered special please?

(Getting to know the?) 13-Day Ascension (Energies?)



JL: rewrite: CONCEPT Notice DotBars in Activation videos:

"Traditional" Keywords (gifted by Law of Time teachings) are incorporated in the Daily Activation videos.

What you think about You bring About!

Videos on this page integrate Ascension Energies. Instead of flat words on a page, FEEL the Ascension Energies as Transformational Action Steps that Intensities Emotion that your Quantum Brain stores as the Feel-Good Memory as if your desires are already attained ... and draws success to you!

that my Galactic Spirit downloaded and guided me to share with you.

In deep gratitude, I have come to LOVE the Ascension Energies Progressive Spiraling of Infinite Evolution because of their Multi-Dmensional during each 13-day Progression. My intention is for you to FEEL your Spiral of Ascension with each 13-days.

I welcome you to dialog your discoveries in commUnity - Together, let's Ascend in Planetary Consciousness together! Love, JL

  13-days of Ascension Ascension Energies*
Transformational "Action Steps!"
Traditional Keywords
1st Day is always Magnetic Magnetize Living Potential

Purpose, Unity, Attract

2nd Day is always Lunar Overcome Duality Challenge, Polarize, Stabilize
3rd Day is always Electric Electrify Action Service, Activate, Bond
4th Day is always Self-Existing Synergize Electro-Magnetic Self Form. Define, Measure
5th Day is always Overtone Command Trust & Empowerment Radiance, Empower, Command
6th Day is always Rhythmic Balance & Organize Fractals Equality, Organize, Balance
7th Day is always Resonant Resonate Truth & Authenticity Attunement, Channel, Inspire
8th Day is always Galactic Express Integrity & Alignment Integrity, Harmonize, Model
9th Day is always Solar Set Intentional Em-Motion & Heart Coherence Intention, Pulse, Realize
10th Day is always Planetary Observe Progressive Synchronicity Manifestation, Perfect, Produce
11th Day is always Spectral Integrate & Dissolve into Wholeness Liberations. Dissolve, Release
12th Day is always Crystal Crystallize Vision in CommUnity Cooperation, Dedicate, Universalize
13th Day is always Cosmic Live in Fulfilled Gratitude Presence Endure, Transcend



Progress through (20w-deeper) during this 13-day Progression of (20wave)
Today (13DB-actions) as you enrich Transformation of (20s-meaning)

(anchor #13sheets)

Each of these image have larger one, same name but .jpg, please allow link to get it bigger

DON'T KNOW WHY "Fill-in" IMAGE isn't rendering on front end or why they look different sizes on front end

Spiral of Infinite Evolution

Print and place special token or crystal on X of 13 Day

Track and Journal
Your Insights, Inspirations
and Synchronicities!

Print and Draw
Today's (20glyph) Birthright
and 13-day (20wave)
within its (Castle NAME)


















printable 8.5" x 11

printable 8.5" x 11




Jami's notes: Action Steps