Jami's Notes - schematic complete

Yellow throughout TEXT are indicators to do something special, to differentiate and/to accent - yellow would prob be ugly in pages


MEMBERSHIP LEVELS: (at this time), as with membership page (https://galacticspirit.com/Daily_Insights), Special, Dimensions, Chakra, Castles, Season or Ascension - do not currently know what is open at what level - will make decisions when webmasters advise. Thinking payment #3Yearly-A: special deal of just "Monthly basics" & #3Yearly-B: "Everything!"

Ida said, "URL names are easy" - please make them intuitive and representative of page. Links/anchors throughout my mockups are to identify where links/anchors go on "my schematically-named pages."
The only 2 pages we have to maintain names are



original quantum notes (not loaded, called QuantumT) - available upon request ... and messy JL notes at the bottom too

Your Super Human Quantum!

All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha (Akashic Records), or luminiferous ether,
which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena.
~Nikola Tesla, 1907


Quantum Physics and Consciousness are One. The Physical World is not Solid, it is Electro-Magnetic Frequency. Your Full Potential (Seed), through Mind and Emotion, is based on Levels of Consciousness and Sensory Perceptions. Your Mutlti-Dimensional Self (both Wave and Particle) with it's DNA (cosmic code) offers 2-way communication (Wind), like a radio dial. Through your "Pixelated Quantum Sensitivity" and integrated Birthrights you can "fine-tune" your receptivity (Wizard) of receiving, decoding, transmitting and (time)traveling through Frequencies of ever-evolving Metaphysical Expansion.


anchor #neil




Cosmos (video clip) swiped from
Neil deGrasse Tyson
astrophysics rockstar

(small) visuals are my perceptions of 5D too - more

webmaster, can * be big and/or special color?

webmaster, can * be big and/or special color?


as mentioned, I always try to balance left/right blocks for desk top viewing. "Path-of-curiosity" design always thinks-through "STACKING RESPONSIVE" - so left block content stacks above right ... this section feels VERY UNbalanced even with your recommended scale of video

from Neil's Cosmos
jam-packed video clip
within your Quantum, Galactic Spirit
Are we robots or do we exercise our Free Will? Your Evolving Consciousness is based on your Free Will (evolving Super Human!) and Observing (Mirror) Synchronicity (Earth)... in holistic alignment with ALL your Birthrights!
Change ONE thing about yourself ONE Birthright a Day!
Forge Technologies that would otherwise be unattainable Galactic Spirit
We are pre-programmed particles Coded and waiting to be Awakened!
Quantum encryption we are creating code that vanishes the moment it's hacked Hack the Hack! Re-Code your Brain!*
Surrender (WorldBridger) egoic patterns (and fears)
webmaster: purposeful space
Observe Who YOU Are to Change the LIGHT of Who YOU Are!
The key to the code can be sent by Entangled Photons

Photons = Light
Living-Light Codes = Galactic Birthrights

Your LIGHT = Your Electro-Magnetic Body*

Maintain Observation to make sure Entanglement doesn't break apart Maintain 2-way connection (Wind/Divine Breath) to 5th-Dimensional/Universal Galactic Spirit
Observe who your are and Change the LIGHT of who you are!
webmaster: purposeful space
How can photon be PARTICLE PARTICLE = MATTER (3DPhysical)

and a WAVE at same time? WAVE = Energy (4DThoughts & Emotions)
Science commands tolerance for ambiguity Trust (Warrior) and adventure into the Unknown (SkyWalker)
webmaster: purposeful space
Don't be ignorant or judgemental! We do not know what we do not know! (Night/Eagle: Expand Vision into Abundant Void)
Neil says,

Search and Decrypt NEW Languages of Realty...

GO DEEP with Your Galactic Spirit!

Quicken (Serpent) Your Quantum Access (Wizard)

* Ever-Expand and Evolve Your SuperPower!
Galactic Spirit = Your Multi-Dimensions, Chakras and Psychic Senses

anchor #expand

Metaphysical Expansion

Metaphysics is beyond Physics and the Physical World. Quantum is the Intelligent Substance (or the not-so-empty Voids within our DNA* and the Universe)

DNA is Cosmic Code: The Universal Fractal!

The Divine, Infinite Codes exists within your DNA and it's waiting to be Expanded through Quantum, Multi-Dimensional Birthrights.

The FULL Potential of The Cosmos is within Our Human Capacity
Universal Quantum Law helps us Living Our Full Potential


(small) Shown in graphic are the 260 Daily Galactic Keys (fractals of your Birthrights) encoded with (green) DNA Star Gate and Heart Portal days.

We are Time Travelers of Unprecedented Time!

Without No Boundary or Limitation, together, we are adventuring into The Ever-Expanding Unknown:
The (No)Space and (No)Time of Evolution and Upgrading our DNA

The Universe is ever-expanding in Multi-Dimensions According to Quantum, String Theory, there are not "quantities" of dimensions (such as 5th Dimension). The only reason a person may think so is because of humankind's current limited capacity of thought...and hence, the limitation of reality.

Exactly like Quantum expansion of the Universe, the multi-dimensions of your Birthrights are the unlimited resource of your infinite soul and ever-evolving consciousness.

Expand "Quantum" Thinking: Cause The Effect!

Observation Changes the Response of (Your) LIGHT~Gregg Braden

Go DEEP! During your 2-minute, open-eyed meditations as you practiced in ascension videos, Visualize the Unknown, Void*. Feel your Electro-Magnetic Self in Birthright wholeness. Vibrate at the same frequency of the Electro-Magnetic Universe. You are ONE with the Quantum, Universal Galactic Spirit! r the Void, enter the information field (Quantum Field), the place to honor and receive the multi dimensions of your Birthright

*Experiment with Visualization: Are you ever-expanding in the Blackness of Space or the Great Depths of the Ocean? Practice both with your Physic Senses

anchor #timetravel

Time Travel = Atoms can exist in multiple locations

When you dream, allow mind wanderings or meditate, it's "relatively" easy to consider your mind traveled while your body was stationary?

Can you wrap your head around Remote Viewing (the practice of "seeing" unseen people, places or things with Physic Sense)?

I know, my "Mind was awakened" when:

  • My beloved (departed) James A. Moser, woke me from a sound sleep with the sound of his voice as he stood, plain as day, at the foot of my bed. (Doesn't the Quantum make sense? The reason why loved ones do not visit often is because they exist in an energy dimension. It takes enormous effort for spirits to molecularize into the our dense, 3rd Dimensional world. Besides, their soul is free and happy in the Light so usually they don't bother trying to hang around.)

    James, thank you for transcending time and space - time traveling - and putting in double the effort to let me hear and see you!

What are your Mind Awakening experiences?

Here's "Time Travel" Quantum Science known to Physicists as Quantum Superposition:

Every particle or group of particles in the universe is also a wave — even large particles like human beings, planets and stars. Because WAVES occupy multiple places in space at once, MATTER/PARTICLES also occupy two places at once. On Sept. 23, 2020, an international team of researchers caused a molecule of more than 2,000 atoms to occupy two places at the same time. ~LiveScience.com

We, along with Quantum Scientists are advent iring into the ever-expanding Unknown, right?

Your Galactic, Super-Human Brain

We are in unprecedented, breakthrough times!
Quantum Discoveries parallel The Shift in Evolutionary Consciousness

How did the Mayans know to offer our Birthrights and symbols
with their calendar which began on August 11, 3114 B.C.E.*?

Despite the size difference between the network of neuronal cells in the brain and network of galaxies, the quantitative cosmology and neurosurgery suggests that diverse physical building blocks have similar complexity and self-organization.

Within both systems, galaxies and neurons:

  • 30% of their masses are composed of galaxies and neurons
  • 70% is composed of "empty" playing an apparently passive role:
    water in the brain and dark energy in the observable Universe
  • Organize themselves in long filaments or nodes between the filaments

Our analysis showed that the distribution of the fluctuation within the cerebellum neuronal network follows the same progression of the distribution of matter in the cosmic web. Brain: 1 micrometer to 0.1 millimeters. Universe: 5 million to 500 million light-years.

~Phys.org: Franco Vazza (astrophysicist/University of Bologna) & Alberto Feletti (neurosurgeon/University of Verona)

Harness the ever-expanding Quantum Universe
with your Mind and Galactic Birthrights!

*referring to Gregorian date (from the more commonly used 12-month January-December calendar) that the Mayan calendar started

anchor #mind-matter

Mind Matters! Mind Over Matter
Cause The Effect (Cause and Effect)


Observe your Mind with Your LIGHT!
MIND Your MATTER! Ascend with the Multi-Dimensions of your (Light-Coded) Birthrights

Double Slit Experiment

proves that LIGHT and MATTER can display characteristics of both classically defined WAVES and PARTICLES: Quantum Phenomena ~Wilki


In other words...

Your LIGHT (Electro-Magnetic Vibration)
can be both WAVE (Electric-Thoughts-ENERGY)
and Particle (Magnetic-Physical-MATTER)

(small) Physicists showed that electrons fired through thin films or crystals would behave in a similar way, forming patterns like light does on the wall behind the diffracting material. If electrons were simply particles, and so could occupy only one point in space at a time, they would form two strips, roughly the shape of the slits, on the wall behind the film or crystal. But instead, the electrons hit that wall in complex patterns suggesting the electrons had  interfered with themselves . That is a telltale sign of a wave; in some spots, the peaks of the waves coincide, creating brighter regions, while in other spots, the peaks coincide with troughs, so the two cancel each other out and create a dark region. Because physicists already knew that electrons had mass and were definitely particles, the experiment showed that matter acts both as individual particles and as waves. ~LiveScience.com
The Observer Effect

proves that observing a situation or phenomenon necessarily changes it. Observer Effects: Quantum Phenomena  ~Wiki


In other words...

Your MIND Changes the outcome of events!
Thoughts Matter • MIND MATTERS (Mind over Matter)

If the particles that we’re made of (cells/matter) can be in instantaneous communication (intelligent-mind/wave) with one another, exist in two places at once, live in the past as well as the future, and even change history through choices in the present, then we can, too. The only difference between those isolated particles and us is that we’re made of a lot of them held together by the power of consciousness itself. ~Gregg Braden


Quantum of Consciousness has four key aspects:
“The Creator Effect” embraces the concept that we can create anything we desire through our intention. This concept has origination in the Quantum principle of “The Observer Effect”. This experimentally proved theory states that we affect an outcome just by observing an event, it encapsulates the power of intention and confirms we are the masters of our own destiny.

“Entanglement” embraces the concept of oneness, that we are all part of the energy of the universe and that some particles are more entangled than others. When we inwardly explore the Quantum principle of “Entanglement”, we can connect with other versions of ourselves. We live in a timeless space of all ages, all alternate realities, parallel lives and our pure soul state. All are within our reach.

“Every-where-ness” works on the Quantum principle of “Non locality”, that sub atomic particles can be in more than one place at one time, in fact they are everywhere at once in their awareness. They exist as probabilities until observed. We exist in all dimensions at the same time, beyond though including all linear time zones.  We can visit these places to find the healing and wisdom that serves the greater being that we are.

“Holographic Healing” works on the Quantum principle that we live in a “holographic universe”. A universe in which the large and the small are the same and that the smallest piece contains all. This simply means that any wisdom we uncover from our other selves, any healing we undertake can then send an expanding wave of higher consciousness rippling out into the fabric of the cosmos to serve the universe itself. 
~ Institute for Quantum Consciousness (graphic and text)

-----------------------------------------------More OLD notes-------------------------------------

UNKNOWN (I referreed to this in Special/Bottom/#Portals#Mystic Portal - Mentioned "Super Human" (Galactic Human) https://www.huffpost.com/entry/why-throwing-yourself-into-the-unknown-can-be-the-best-thing-you-can-do-to-yourself_b_8538238



2 ataoms can exist in same space/time https://www.livescience.com/2000-atoms-in-two-places-at-once.html?fbclid=IwAR17ZigmuYnS2XFpN_dVfBt5YViOI5mxjFVCWgcASxlFOtBTIpEFGCmGKeQ


Each of your Brithrights are Fractals of Wholness, each birthright integrating into the wholeness of you.

Quantum Physics and consciousness are one


Birthright as a multi dimensional, spiritual being, with ever expanding spiritual consciousness, just like Quantum expansion of the universe

AboutGS: cracks the code of False Ego Constructs limited by your personal mind and emotion as well as collective 3rd-dimensional limitations rooted in ancient through present-day mind and emotion

void is the home of your infinite true self -inner sanctuary OR/AND External Environment



original qunatum notes (not loaded, called QuantumT) - available upon request

Go DEEP! step into the unknown the Blackness of space, Enter the Void, enter the information field (Qauntum Field), the place to honor and receive the multi dimensions of your Birthright

Visualize: No boundres that are ever-expanding: Blackness of Space: Great Dephts of the Ocean (whichever is easier for you to visualize)

Change your "Quantum" Position - Obsrevation Changes repsonse of Light (Gred Baydon): Wave or Particle


anchor #mind-matter


Matter is Spirirt at it's Loweste Level. Spirit is Mattermatters at it's highest level.
~H.P. Blavatsky

New Earth = Quantum Potential


Matter is Spirirt at it's Loweste Level. Spirit is Mattermatters at it's highest level.
~H.P. Blavatsky

New Earth = Quantum Potential

Your body and everything in the physical world is composed of particles, held together buy energy okay it is the same stuff of no space and no time in the in the in every Galaxy, the universal source

Go DEEP! Change your "Quantum" Position - Obsrevation changes repsonse of Light (Gred Baydon): Wave or Particle

Mind Matters! Wave or Paticle?

Mind over Matter * Mind Matters
Cause and Effect, Cause the Effect (Dup in Mental)

Thoughts and Emotion (Electric-Mind = Energy/WAVE) is the "Quantum Throne" of Phyisical (Magnetic-Body = Particle/MATTER)


Change your "Quantum" Position - Obsrevation changes repsonse of Light (Gred Baydon): Wave or Particle

In this 13-day (20Wave) Progression of Transforming (20w-meaning), apply your (started notes in s-progress, in process video?)


Consciousness changes physics, wave to particle, particle to wave, all contingent on whether or not it is observed

You'll experience: :

Where GS Comes from: blending for our New Time from the unlocking the codes of the Maya by Jose Arguelles and Law-of-Time teachings along with Quantum Explorations shared by evolutionary cosmologists as Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braydon, Bruce Lipton,.Eckhart Tolle, Kryon and more.

Quantum Science: Everything is energy: Observer

Astronomy: Galactic Spirit is "Galactic Astrology" that is 25 more powerful than traditional Earth-based astrology with our Solar System revolving around a Star (the plasma sphere we call the Sun). Galactic Spirit has significant astronomical reference with SIRUS, a star 25 times larger than our Sun. -- 26,000 year cycle

