MEMBERSHIP LEVELS: (at this time), as with membership page (, Special, Dimensions, Chakra, Castles, Season or Ascension - do not currently know what is open at what level - will make decisions when webmasters advise. Thinking payment #3Yearly-A: special deal of just "Monthly basics" & #3Yearly-B: "Everything!"

Ida said, "URL names are easy" - please make them intuitive and representative of page. Links/anchors throughout my mockups are to identify where links/anchors go on "my schematically-named pages."
The only 2 pages we have to maintain names are


Web masters, I do not know if/when you built this page - 12/19 - remember I have series of 5 castles vids (in process) but we need placeholders - see below for location : They open on Yearly B


ESP "Sensory" & Psychic Mastery

Castles are one of the longest Time Fractals in the Time Cycle of Consciousness - printable "at-a-glance" Castles

Castle Cycles of 52 Days
Exploration into Expanding Senses

52 (days) x 5 (castles) =
260 Light-Codes of Life-Transformation


In the Daily Insight videos and Moon at-a-glance offers POWERFUL, Intention Setting, START DAYS for each Castle.

Unlock (Castle-NAME) of Expanded (Castle-Senses)

rotate-Image /art/castles/

on "Kin DB: Z - AC" (Castle-NAME)



These 13-day Houses are in this Castle


designers: who do we SAY and anchor to "UNLOCKED" section BELWO - can anchor be specific to the CURRENT Castle - even tho they will all be unlocked and available for study

Each Castle
is 52* days to
Increase and Sharpen your Senses = Enhance your Life Experience

Expand "Clairs!"

 • Claircognizance: Knowing
 • Clairvoyance: Sight
 • Clairaudience: Sound
 • Clairsentience: Touch
 • Clairalience: Smell
 • Clairgustance:Taste

Sensing Beyond what you can See, Sense and Feel in your Physical World with Enhanced Receptivity

Developing your Shaman Self for Mediumship into The Akash (Multi-Dmensional Records of Past, Present & Future) for Psychic Mastery with Your "Clairs"

...with help from your Wizard Birthright!

(smaller) Reminder: all fractals of Galactic Spirit are fractals of Wholeness

* Do you recognize anything special about "52" ?


-----------------Printable at-a-glance Houses & Castles (this is block on this page - unlock membership for access to LARGER Image) ---------------- not sure how to lay these out

(anchor #52sheets)

Printable at-a-glance
Houses & Castles

Print and place special token or crystal
on each respective (20Gyph) Birthright, (20wave) HOUSE, and Castle (Castle-Name) to absorb energies faster!

Follow along with
52-deck Galactic Spirit Oracle too!

The greater your awareness of each
concentrated DAILY Birthright
within its HOUSE and CASTLE,
the more powerful you'll experience Daily Synchronicities and
its Cumulative Evolutionary, Influence

260-day Birthright
"Time Map" of
ESP Castles

Castles & Houses
Birthright Energies

unlock bigger to art/special/tzolkin-castles.gif

unlock bigger to art/sheets/grid.jpg

Castles & Houses
Time Cycle

Keys, House & Castles Fractals of Wholeness

House & Castle

unlock bigger to art/sheets/castles.jpg
unlock bigger to art/sheets/fractals.jpg
unlock bigger to art/sheets/progressions.jpg

(anchor #52) 52 is a Magic Time Cycle Number

The 52 card deck was said to have been designed as a calender

* 52 playing cards = 52 (Galactic) Weeks a year

* 13 cards per suit =
            13 Lunar Cycles per Year
            13 28-day Moons (instead of 12 Months of irregular days
            13 weeks in each (Galactic) Castles

* 4 Suits = 4 (Galactic) Seasons

* 5 Face Cards = (Galactic) Castles

Also interesting!

* Add numerical value of Jacks = 11, Queens = 12, and Kings = 13, and the value of each card 1 + 2 + 3 + …to 13 = 91. Multiply times 4 (4 suits) 91 x 4 = 364 then add 1) Joker = 365 days a year.

*Add up the letters in "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Jack, Queen, King" = 52

Is 52 Synchronicity or Divine Intelligence?

Track Daily Birthrights!
Follow along with
52-deck Galactic Spirit Oracle


-------------------------------------------------Unlocked 5 Castles & Overall HABITS blocks--------------------------------------
(as asked above, in TOP BLOCK, can CURRENT Castle as indicated on TOP BLOCK anchor to specific castle below - even tho this entire section is unlocked with membership?)


Initiate thru Touching Awakening: ClairsentienceClear Feeling

Do you feel the energy or emotion of people, places, animals and/or objects?
Do you often just know beyond what you've been taught or what you have experienced?

Red Castle
Birthrights #1 - #52
#1 - #13

Life Purpose
#14 - #26
#27 - #39

#40 - #52

Video placeholder,
they will be ANIMOTO URL
Unlock with YearlyB
  • Focus on your breath: do you feel your Electro-Magnetic Body, Where/How do you feel sensation (what Chakras are activated and why?)
  • Feel YOUR Electro-Magnetic Pulse! (Remember: you are not solid, you are pulsing, "pixelated" atomic structure)
  • Can you feel your blood flow? Feel your body at various stages of relaxation and activity.
  • Explore Textures & temperatures, consistencies (hard, soft, squishy, elastic, solid, wet, moist, dry, straight, curvy)
  • Feel the aliveness, breath and pulse of living beings: and natural
  • Notice different qualities of Space
  • Feel the wind: moisture, temperate, speed ...does it have a smell?
  • Hold your hand millimeters away from your skin, can you feel your hairs (through your hand and it's movement through your body?). Can you feel your radiance?
  • How do your muscles feel through various activities
  • Walk bare foot on different floor and ground covering. How do you feel when "grounding:" walking directly on the earth?
  • Can you sense your air conditioner turning on before it starts?
  • Daily Sensory Habits and Go Deep! * Practice "Clair" Interconnectivity


Please format the rest of the senses like TOUCH BLOCK - thank you!


Refine thru Tasting Soul Evolution: Clairgustance:  Clear Tasting

White Castle
Birthrights #53 - #104
#53 - #65
Clear Channel of Exploration
#66 - #78

#79 - #91


#92 - #104


Video placeholder,
they will be ANIMOTO URL
Unlock with YearlyB


  • Chew your food

    Close your eyes, what are the nuances of flavor, can you pick out spices and subtle flavors?

    How does food and drink taste when it touches you lips, enters your mouth, when you chew and as you swallow?

    Scale, Shape & Texture: Pay attention: corn kernels and peas are about the same size but are very different in shape. Notice the different shape, smell, size and texture between white, brown and wild rice,

  • Daily Sensory Habits and Go Deep! * Practice "Clair" Interconnectivity




Transform through Hearing Resonance: Clairaudience: Clear Hearing

Can you hear vibration beyond what you see?

Blue Castle
Birthrights #105 - #156

#105 - #117

Initiation Passion

#118 - #130
Reflective Actualization

#131 - #143

Magic, Play & Joy

#144 - #156

Living Full Potential

Video placeholder,
they will be ANIMOTO URL
Unlock with YearlyB


  • Close your eyes and focus on Mutlti-Dimensional nuance of sound
  • Differentiate the layers of sound: near, far, high, low
  • Jami Lin's favorite hearing "exercise" (more of a thrill) is listening to crickets as their "voices" ebb and flow like a wave - almost like listening to music with headphones
  • Listening to the layers of instruments and movement between your ears with headphone
  • Go out in nature: listen to the quiet, the subtle magic is thrilling
  • Listen to Birds. Each species has a different voices and based upon their activity, they have different speech patterns just like you will take to a child or dog differently than a business associate. Can you mimic their voices so they speak back? My husband can! ;-)
  • Can you hear (and feel) the pulse in electrical objects (I can and do not like it one bit!)
  • Daily Sensory Habits and Go Deep! * Practice "Clair" Interconnectivity

Ripen thru Seeing Multi-Dimensional Intelligence: Clairvoyance: Clear Sight

Acknowledge if you ever see flashes, orbs, shadows or colors that you know do not exists in the Physical, 3rd Dimensional world

Yellow Castle
Birthrights #157 - #208
#157 - #169


#170 - #182

Heart Resonance

#183 - #195

#196 - #208
Bravery & Trust
Video placeholder,
they will be ANIMOTO URL
Unlock with YearlyB


  • Jami Lin's favorite seeing "exercise" is watching wind move different textures/shapes of leaves and witnessing the shimmer with the changes in light - awesome seeing the leaves dance!
  • Watch the sky: cloud movements, shoot stars, different variants and changes in colors
  • Play with Adjusting your Eyes: far and close focus, light, dark and movement of shadows
  • Look at your hand: Slowly, front and back, so many textures and nuances, can you see your light radiating from them? Practice making your glow bigger! Can you see it? Practice.
  • Notice the nuance of color. How many "subtleties of blue" can you see? On a rainbow, where does Red end and Orange begins? Enjoy my award-winning ColorAlchemy book!
  • Daily Sensory Habits and Go Deep! * Practice "Clair" Interconnectivity


Synchronize thru Smelling Consciousness: Clairalience: Clear Smelling

Green Castle
Birthrights: #209 - #260
#209 - #221 Soul Purity
#222 - #234
Divine Breath
#235 - #247
Vision into Unseen

#248 - #260

HeART of Creation

Video placeholder,
they will be ANIMOTO URL
Unlock with YearlyB
  • Be aware of air
  • Experience the subtleties of smell: pungent or light, floral or musky and at different intensities.
  • Can you recognize a tell-tale fragrance even if a person has left the room?
  • Does a fragrance have density like smoke?
  • My favorite: what are the depths and nuances of Essential Oils along how they benefit your multi-dimensionality as in my "Essence of Feng Shui" book.
  • Daily Sensory Habits and Go Deep! * Practice "Clair" Interconnectivity

designers: anchor called #habits

Expand Awareness & Psychic Abilities = Daily Sensory Habits with Every Tasks

Practice Stillness! Purposeful Attune Awareness!

Use everyday tasks to increase sensory awareness.
Replace random thoughts, Evolve YOU with purposeful sensory observation!

What do you Feel, Smell, Taste, Hear and See in Multi-Dimensions:
close/far, up/down, in-front/behind and in/through your 360-degree, Chakra-Auric "space capsule"

Brush your Teeth (easy to practice twice daily): what do you hear, feel, taste, smell and see in your mouth and all around you.

Shower/Bath: Observe temperate changes, pressure and intensities, displacement and movement, how it ripples and interacts with your body. How does your body's Electro-Magnetic Field respond to the changes? Identify all senses in your body and environment

Drink: How does the container feel on your lips (glass, plastic? texture?) Is liquid: cold, hot, thick (tomato juice), textured (orange juice with pulp), bubbly ;-) Can you smell the taste? Do you feel the liquid moving down your body? Identify the senses in your body and environment

Eats: How does it feel to hold an apple? What do you see, sense, hear, smell and taste with every bite - breaking the skin of the first bite is different than the flesh right? Are you savoring every bite?. Enjoy eating as sacred ceremony: Activate all senses with: who are your with? what is your environment? Eating alone, how are you treasuring the sensations of your aliveness? Remember: eat as fuel and your senses. Note to self: stop shoveling and be conscious!

Waiting? (ie: grocery lines, red lights, etc): Acknowledge your Mutlti-Dimensional Self in Space. Feel feet on ground/butt on chair: Experience the connection. What are you hearing, smelling, sensing, is there a taste in the air? Go DEEP!

designers, can you make this IMPORTANT please: Yellow so you see.

Activate your Multi-Dmensional Self

What is your Sensory Experience in/though your Body, what thoughts are in your Mind,
what do your Emotions reveal and ask your Innate Spirit to adventure beyond the experience that you know

anchor #beta

Go Deep!


Take Pause!

Practice BETA:
on Body & Environment

Delete Old Programs
(OLD habits)
Installs NEW Programs
(NEW Consciousness)



more BETA Practice in Jami Lin's award-winning ColorAlchemy offerings

BETA = Belief, Emotion, Thoughts and Action

Mentally scan your "BETAs" to help identify what facet of CORE Self-Sabotage to Release with WorldBridger Birthright.
... of course, ALL other Birthrights holistically participate, here's a few to assist your Command on Demand
Human: Free Will - Willingness to Take Action
Dragon: Nurturing your New Discovery
Mirror: Reflective Actualization
Warrior: Bravery & Trust to honor your Self-Worth
Monkey: to Live with Magic, Play and Joy within Seed: Your Full Potential ... really, All Your Birthrights!

BETA Practice: Every unfavorable habit has a reaction such as stress, anger, frustration, insecurity or ??? Unconscious. mental looping" and reactions have four considerations to help identify CORE Issues: Belief, Emotion, Thought or Action. One reason for deepening your Multi-Dmensional Self with Enhanced, 5D Senses, is to identify CORE Issues, Deleting Old Programs and "Installing NEW Programming" through your Evolved and Conscious Birthrights.

Command on Demand ideas:
SkyWalker: Become a Clear Channel - Practice BETA: Scan your Body and Environment for how/why/where/how you experience conditions Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually
Storm: Breakdown to Breakthrough - Get faster and better at recognizing " BETA Reactions,"
Wind: Spiritual Voice - Take Pause
Sun: Unify with Source - Go Inward, Dig Deep!
Wizard: with Enhanced Receptivity and with Dog: Self Love and Compassion
Hand: Heal into Wholeness and Embody Accomplishment! YAY!
  anchor #inner-connect  

Quantum "Clair" InterConnectivity

Secret to
Physic Mastery and
is Inner-Connectivity

Tasting Your Smell and Smelling Your Taste is pretty easy!

Unlocking ESP Castles will ultimately reveal "Mutlti-Dimensional Interconnectivity," for:

  • Hearing your Sight
  • Seeing your Taste
  • Touching your Smell

    You are "getting it, right?" ;-)