VarsSB: 9-Month Rebirth a NEW Mind
Mar 30, 2025

Re-Birthing your NEW Multi-Dimensional Self - Coming Soon!

Get First Notification along with Your FREE SuperPower,
and FREE 'Treasure Chest' Access to Lots of Manifestation Mastery

(PM:URL placeholder - like 3day/3day.php that will OPEN Either 9mo/9mo_wait OR 9mo/9mo_sign-up ... based upon respective timers)

Image that goes in title: in title-bar
(and everything modeled after 3day series, except JL has to figure out 9mo flow with PM-programming)

JL: below 'course drops,' SB has OPEN list for me below drops
make sure there is a class on Compressing time w/ ascensions (mention it in day 2 of 3-day) SB: please center justify a button to pop up COPY of the window that is on - where is intuitive place for popup?

Early Bird & Priority Notification for Re-Birthing Your NEW Multi-Dimensional Self

JL: one class should be the CLAIRs = Castles (is it already listed?)

Here are Timers (even tho I don't think you need it):|

// ---------------- REGISTRATION open/close ------------------------------------

$Class9m_Registration_OpenCountdown="2025-01-11 18:00:00";
$Class9m_Registration_CloseCountdown="2025-01-14 18:00:00";
$Class9m_Registration_EXP="2025/01/14 06:00:01";

// ---------------- CLASS starts/ends ------------------------------------

$Class9m_starts_countdown="2025-01-15 18:00:01";
$Class9m_end_Countdown="2025-01-15 19:00:00";
$Class9m_ends="2025/01/15 19:00:01";

// ---------------- After Class ENDS------------------------------------

$Class9m_After_date="Jan 20, 2025 :01 AM EST"; // Timer text for when date expires - page changes to class_wait.php
$Class9m_After_EXP="2025/01/20 00:00:01"; //Timer code $Timer_After_EXP="2016/01/05 13:00:01";

Re-Birthing your NEW Multi-Dimensional Self - Coming Soon!

Get First Notification along with Your FREE SuperPower,
and FREE 'Treasure Chest' Acess to Lots of Manifestation Mastery











+JL notes++++++no NAV, header or Rainbow, just black+++++++++++++++++++++






JL told PM on 9/15: 9mo will have wait & open registration just like 3day

2 Subscription levels

  pay once

Easy Pay!

10 months
Rebirth a NEW Mind
40 weeks classes
including 5) LIVE Q&A

9 + 1 month FREE
BONUS: Chakras? & Ascensions? And highest level site membership

renews every 10 months
pay in 3 monthly payments
PM: how to have this re-start in 10 months

2 months/8 weeks
of (PM: can we list next 4-upcoming 'L13DayWave's?) Birthrights
7+ 1 week FREE

renews every 8 weeks
pay in 3 weekly payments 
PM: how to have this re-start in 8 weeks