Galactic Chakra:
((SOFT Launch: SB 7/10 - review locked/unlocked) scroll or click italic links (in blue title): Transform your body into Torus Field | In and Out BREATHING-FIELD | Radial Concept
Transform your Body into a Torus FieldEvery day each, respective, Chakra/Plasma "spirals" Instead of Chakra/Plasma energies moving in straight, traditional progression), With Em-Powered Intention (Heart Chakra/Silo Plasma) and |
Torus: The “In and Out BREATHING-FIELD” of Infinite Knowledge
The InnerG of The UNIVERSAL HEART CENTER (YOU, Me, and WE … and Mother Earth)
SB:section 1 waiting for JL's Feedback on email
ADD Torus = the Flower of Life in 2 dimensions
2 Dimensional Flower of Life |
Torus Spiral-Up |
WE are the Flowers of Life |
YOU are the Connector to SkyWalk into Akashic Records
Torus: ( InnerG of Your Body’s Auric Field: Your Field of Infinite Knowledge ) &
( InnerG of OUR Mother Earth: Gaia’s Filed of Infinite Knowlege )
NASA’s recreation of Electro-Magnetic Pulse |
As You Awaken and Light-Up Your Plasmatic Chakakras more and more… Brighten each Chakra/Plasma and
Connect Gaia’s Rainbow Bridge with Your Electro-Magnetic LIGHT
Notice important Radial Concept!
As you activate each Daily Chakra, practice visualizing them creating a light-energy vortex encircling and enhancing throughout your body
Silio Plasma
Activate Telepathic Powers with
HEART Chakra and SILIO Plasma
Activate Telepathic Powers with
HEART Chakra and SILIO Plasma
for Heart-Centered Hyper-Plasmic Enlightenment and Inner Realization (7th Mental Sphere)
Activate the Cosmic Connection (7th Time Dimension)