Feb 22, 2025

Inner-Cellular DNA Upgrades
Awakening Your InnerG G-d Particle within YOU

DNA 64 Upgrades


Cosmic (yoUR) Runes


Coming Soon

11/9/22 -JL at this time, don't have page sequencing ... should THIS be first page?

"Perception is awareness shaped by belief. Beliefs "control" perception. Rewrite beliefs and you rewrite perception. Rewrite perception and you rewrite genes and behaviour... I am free to change how I respond to the world, so as I change the way I see the world I change my genetic expression. We are not victims of our genes. We are masters of our genetics." ~Bruce Lipton Ph.D., cellular biologist

DNA is receptive to Electro-Magnetic Fluxuations, tie into explanding Chakra/Plasma practice

DNA is packets of light-coded Divine Information (Universal GS)
packets of E-M energy. Packets of Quantum thought forms: changing matter (particle) into light (wave)

Whwre is good page to put Light=Consciousness?

DNA Upgrades



Inner-Cellular DNA Upgrades
Awakening the G-d Particle within YOU

DNA 64 Upgrades | Harmonics | Cosmic (yoUR) Runes | I Ching

MEDITATIONS: 4-Day DNA UpGrade Advancements to Initiate, Refine, Transform, Integrate & Harmonize

JL review: NOTES ON 6/18/2022, SERIES:
  1. DNA Upgrades /guides/DNA/dna_upgrades.php (HOME of SERIES ...need to refer to 64 DNA Codons)
  2. DNA Harmonics /guides/DNA/harmonics.php
  3. DNA Runes /guides/DNA/cosmic_runes.php
  4. Mediations /guides/DNA/harmonic_meditations.php
    (4 days in Progression for I-Ching (linked from guides/i-ching/i-ching.php & I-ching/galactic ...need to refer to the 64 DNA codons)
    prob need to link from DNA-Runes, Harmonics, and DNA Upgrades too)

    make anchors on this page for_ put titles on page so we wills see anchors:
    ** guides/DNA/harmonic_meditations.php#iching (already linking from guides/i-ching/galactic-unlocked.php as of 6/17/2022)
    ** guides/DNA/harmonic_meditations.php#harmonics
    ** guides/DNA/harmonic_meditations.php#runes


wanted INTRO page of series to be called guides/DNA/dna_upgrades.php - so Sheera's page she built got renamed/uploaded to

JL: you have 3 pages of content and Sheera started php pages, they need to be organized better

---------------------INTO TEXT:

Your DNA is a multi-dimensional entity and within it holds the secrets of the universe. It carries all akashic records, of all lifetimes, and specifically of your spiritual purpose and your karma. Everything known and unknown exists in your DNA

LIGHT UP (Enlighten) your DNA with consistent Command on Demand!

Your DNA is Eager to Fulfill Your Heart and SOUL Desires

Plant SEEDS Every Day to Light-Up your DNA

Unlimited Possibilities
Living FULL Potential

Innate Unification with Source



  1. This is intro page (time cells, 64 codons)
    (X) of 4 days in each Iching, Harmonic Meditations & Cosmic/Inner-Cellular (yoUR) Runes progression
  2. Harmonic Meditations (pg 256)
  3. Cosmic/Inner-Cellular (yoUR) Runes (pg 274)

    Take content Pieces from what Sheera already made


Jami's mock ups


Edit your cellular structure through the power of your mind as well as activating your chakras and plasmas simultaneously with your birth rights, just 1 a day
Your mind is the bridge between your DNA your health and your lifespan and the quality of which you live your life


JL: take a few nuggets or dircet quotes?

The DNA Recoding works at the etheric—the light body level. The Light Body is a gridwork of Light and sacred geometry that electromagnetically links your human and multidimensional self with the Universe to create high electrical currents that assist in manifesting your soul purpose. During our life on Earth the Lightbody is normally dormant. We feel detached from Spirit.  As you activate your orginal Cell Blueprint the Lightworker Keys and  Codes build this "Light Vehicle,  your cellular structure and body undergoes mutation. Your latent DNA coding turns on resulting in the releasing of old emotional and mental blocks. The Keys and Codes help you to develop your ability to be in your Lightbody, understand your soul purpose, develop your ESP, connect to other spiritual seekers, and download the necessary information to lead you home and more.

The Lightbody is a part of sacred traditions across the globe.

In Tibetan Buddhism, it is called "the rainbow body"
In Kriya Yoga, it is called "the divine body of bliss"
In Judeo-Christian tradition, it is called "the resurrection body" and the "glorified body"
In Sufism, it is called the "most sacred body" and "supracelestial body"
In Taoism, it is called "the diamond body" and those who have attained it are called "the immortals"
In the Alchemical tradition, the Emerald Tablet calls it "the Glory of the Whole Universe"
In the Hermetic Corpus, it is called "the immortal body"
In some mystery schools, it is called "the solar body"
In Ancient Egypt, it was called "the luminous body" (akh)

The reactivation of the Lightbody, allows us to fully rewire to higher dimensional frequencies. At this level your 10 strands of  DNA along with your 2 connected strands are realigned above your crown chakra. Because DNA is holographic, it can be simultaneously realigned, reconnected and activated. This means that your 10 DNA strands are simultaneously realigned at the top of your head (crown), reconnected into your Crown Chakra  and reactivated so that life force energy flows through them again. Once your DNA strands are plugged back into your Crown Chakra, your Star Codes jobs are nearly complete

As you activate and build this Light Body, your cellular structure and entire physiology undergoes mutation. Shedding bodily density, you will experience mutational symptoms, morphogenic bodily changes, release of old emotional and mental structures and profound energetic shifts. This process has an affect on your perception, emotions and thinking processes. This new state of being requires that we physically, mentally and emotionally let go of 3rd dimensional concepts that create a lower, slower vibrational seed pattern. Letting go is a major part of the change process. We drop off values, relationships, jobs, careers, homes, possessions, that do not support our new way of being. 

Activation of the New DNA does not occur all at once. Eventually you will reconnect all 12 helix DNA levels, then activate a secure connection to Mahatma Energy. You learn to harmonize with the new energies rather than be overwhelmed by the them.  Many individuals still repeat thought forms in the conscious and subconscious which command the old DNA to continue its old tasks. It will function in tandem with the new DNA until you consistently align your perception and consciousness with the Higher aspects of Self. You are activating your I AM Presence .. .your true self. This may seem strange since it has been such a long time coming.

The process of rebuilding our light bodies is a slow process,  but you will begin to notice the effects of becoming fully conscious or multi-dimensional. This state will come about when our 12 strands of DNA have finally been  reconnected and activated. The result is that you experience life with multi- dimensionality consciousness. You will live in the third dimension while retaining your connection and relationships with beings in the higher realms. We will no longer be cut off from other dimensions as we presently are and we will operate from a state of heart centred compassion, (Christ consciousness).

Church of the Divine Spirit 
Shared by Jessica Woods 
Art Sarah Vaccariello ~