Mar 30, 2025

Galactic Compass

One-Birthright-a-Day … Explore a LifeTime of DAILY Evolutions

Get Your 'Galactic Astrology' Reading EVERY DAY with
the turn of each wheel

Discover Daily Insights & Synchronicities

Excellent Teaching & Learning Device

Using Your 12" x 12" Compass

Outer Wheel: Birthright-Ascensions and Castles

Your Galactic Compass is Sacred Tool - Daily 'Galactic Astrology:' Insights & Synchronicities in your Hands!

Overall Reminder! • Simple!
Move compass wheels (2, 3 & 4) counter-clockwise one space each day!

FYI: counter-clockwise rewires, reconditions and entrains your brain to Spiral-Up Consciousness

Compass KeyWords:

Each word or words used on compass or throughout site is merely one water-drop in an infinite, multiple-dimensional ocean.

Thoughtfully explored keyword(s) were carefully considered and word-smithed after years of exploring the birthrights (independently and collectively). Each keyword or phrase is intended to invoke FEELS of inspiration and excitement to Dig Deep ... and then Deeper!

The jam-packed and comprehensive 20 - Birthright Insights & Meditations [videos] and 13- Ascensions [videos] hold unlimited Transformational Power when combined with Your, Personal Experience and Your Perpetually-Leveling Octave Frequencies