Energy Flows Where Attention Goes!See Sense and Feel! |
What You Think About You Bring About!
Integrate Today's:
Birthright, Chakra/Plasma, Dimension & Ascension
starting with
Absorbing and Anchoring the 2-minute "Open-Eyed Meditation/Activation"
Enjoy Your Galactic Pause with See (Visualize Symbol), Sense and FEEL
with Intensified, Elevated Emotion
Notice how each Birthright supports each other = Fractals of Wholeness
You will be amazed how your Profound Birthrights
Synchronistically Unfold Each Day
Perfect Places + Perfect Time + Perfect Opportunities
Perfect Experiences = Life of YOur Dreams!
I Am That!
I AM is the most Powerful of All Affirmations
See, Sense and FEEL the Daily Symbol and it's I AM Affirmation
Remember ...
You are not your Body, You are not your Thoughts, You are not your Emotions,