Apr 29, 2024

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FREE "Prana Crystal" Video Practices - featuring Law of Time teachings

Mantra Chart

Hold Your Prana Crystals in Chakra Mudras (hand positions)
on it's respective Chakra Day to accelerate Activating Your Light Body

Quartz is neither solid or liquid.
Quartz vibrates a 786,000 pulses per millisecond and its continuum moves faster than light.
Quartz Crystal vibrates on the axis of the universe

~Venerable Dhyani, Cherokee Elder

FREE Prana Crystal Videos

Video 1

Discover why 18-facet,
double pointed, Himalayan crystals

Living, Record Keepers
of Cosmic History
and "Your  Story"

Video 2

Living Record Keepers
of Time and Space:

Align spine with center
of the crystal to activate
your 5th-Dimensional, Light Body

Video 3

Practice integrating Chakras
and Mudras

Plasmas and Holomind Perceiver
introduction for deeper exploration

Experience Prana Crystals  (watch videos above)