Feb 22, 2025


META-Physics & Cosmology = DNA Fractals

Meta & Cosmic DNA   |   Mind Matters   |   Living Light Codes   |   SkyWalk   |   Bio + Mind Hack   |   Octave Frequencies

Track Your Daily, LIGHT CODES on Galactic Compass, Printable Guides
and FREE: 13 Moon Calendar and Daily Activations

DNA is Fractal Energy that Evolves according to Your Level of Consciousness

Your Akashic Records
(Universal Soul's "accounting" of ALL Your Lifetimes)
is eagerly-waiting with an
Infinite Resource within the Voids of your DNA

Wizard Wave Spell

Match Your QUANTUM Vibration with Universal Vibration

Exactly like Quantum Expansion of the Universe,
the Multi-Dimensions of your Birthrights are the Unlimited Resource
of your Infinite Soul and Ever-Evolving Consciousness

YOUR Galactic Spirit = UNIVERSAL Galactic Spirit

Your Brain is The Galaxy within YOU

Despite the size difference between the network of neuronal cells in the brain and network of galaxies, the quantitative cosmology and neurosurgery suggests that diverse physical building blocks have similar complexity and self-organization. Our analysis showed that the distribution of the fluctuation within the cerebellum neuronal network (your brain) follows the same progression of the distribution of matter in the cosmic web. Brain: 1 micrometer to 0.1 millimeters. Universe: 5 million to 500 million light-years. Franco Vazza (astrophysicist/University of Bologna) & Alberto Feletti (neurosurgeon/University of Verona)

Your Brain and Galaxies are similar in construction and function!

  • Unlimited and Ever-Expanding Potential

  • 30% of their masses are composed of a neuro-network, organized long filaments

  • 70% is "empty" (apparently playing passive role:
    water in the brain and dark energy in the observable Universe Similar to geneticists proving that 70% of human DNA is dormant)

70% of Your DNA and Mind is not (yet) been accessed ... until NOW

Em-BODY Your ever-expanding, Inner-Quantum Universe
Use Mind to Expand Your Innate Galactic Birthrights!