Feb 22, 2025

Brain Deep

Command on Demand • CHANGE!
Law of Attraction

Vibrate Your Future! YOU are The Boss of YOU! • YOU Create Your Abundant Life

Monkey Wave Spell


YOU are the Magician!
Alive to LIVE IN JOY!

SHIFT into
Your Galactic Spirit

Best Practice: Pause & CHANGE!

Command Wheel

Practice and Explore!

Galactic Spirit is a ever-Evolving Journey

Release what no longer serves you ( WorldBridger Birthright ),
in ever-wider spiraled paths to travel
deeper-and-higher into Your Infinite Consciousness

Command "Law of Attraction" on Demand

Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells


Anchoring Daily (or as commanded) Birthright (daily or as needed) symbol image and expression in your Mind

Observing how Synchronicities unfold surrounding each Birthright

Noticing Your Stress! Which Birthright(s) can you Command on Demand to SHIFT into Mind-Body-Heart Coherence?

Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells Wave Spells


WorldBridger Wave Spell

Release conditioned, self-sabotage and
negative feelings into Gratitude and Appreciation

Dog Wave Spells

Hold Yourself in
Unconditional LOVE

Warrior Wave Spells

Be Courageous!
Question: What Birthright(s)
will Benefit Situation?

Eagle Wave Spells

Consider Expanded Aspects:
Birds-Eye and Broad Perspectives

Wizard Wave Spells

Access your Inner Shaman
for Enhanced Receptivity

Wind Wave Spells

Breathe into Divinity
Hear & Speak with
Spiritual Voice

Hand Wave Spells

Embody & Express
Your Intuitive Knowing

Monkey Wave Spells

Make moment FUN & Joyful
Add Inner-Child Magic!

Moon Wave Spells

Embrace Soul Purity,
Free from unproductive
thought and emotion

Serpent Wave Spells

Initiate "Best" Instincts
Catalyze to Quicken SHIFT

Human Wave Spells

Trust: Be Willing to take Compassionate Action

Command on Demand into Wholeness! • The SECRETS of Wholness

-------Sheera, we are going to have to do an experiment, if we have ANCHOR to UN-LOCKED area, are we going to have to have anchor at on the button OR on the content, as you won't see any contenet if that section is locked - NOTHING will be there - so veiwer won't know if there is contnet there or not

my idea here is that we anchor it to the button if they are not yet signed up, if signed up it will anchor to the content