Start: Evolve YOU
Galactic Origins
Evolve YOU! Bring Your Cosmic Origins to Light!
You are Born of this Earth and
Seeded by the Stars
Universal Divinity is within YOU!
As Above, So Below = Your Birthrights
Everything we are and everything in The Universe and
on Earth originated from stardust
Stardust (and it's Light) directly connects us to The Universe,
UpGrading the DNA of our bodies over our lifetimes
~Karel & Iris Schrijver, Astrophysicist/National Geographic
You are a Galactic Spirit!
Integrate Daily I AM with:
I AM Pure, Ever-Expanding,
Innate Consciousness! I AM That!
I AM a Divine Spark. I AM Light
I AM a Child of the Universe
I AM not separate from my
Birthright Wholeness
I AM a vital Fractal of the Universal Galactic Spirit
Bring your Star-Seeded, Cosmic Origins to Light!
Your Galactic Spirit is Eternal and Innate SOUL-SELF that transcends time and space... from lifetime to lifetime
Your Galactic Spirit is Infinite and Whole ...
and a Fractal of All That Exists = Universal Galactic Spirit
You (in 3D) and your Galactic Spirit (in 5D) are Alive ... GO DEEP!
Earth (3D)
in a Physical, 3D-Body
to enjoy all 3D-Earthly
Perfect People, Places & Time
Evolving Your Galactic Spirit is Expanding Consciousness
BEYOND the Limitations of 3rd-Dimensional, Illusionary Perceptions
Instead of 'random' connections, Galactic Spirit provides purposeful and
Unlimited, Multi-Dimensional Access to fulfill your Desires through Evolving Your Birthrights
Start: Evolve YOU
Galactic Origins