Your Feels: Spark Elevated Emotions: Em-Power (Emotional Em-POWER-ment)
Coming Soon
(COMING SOON: JL JL 4/7) scroll or click italic links (in blue title):
Need section on See, Sense & Feel (LINK to about/enhanceGS/birthright-mindfulness/energy_flows_where_attention_goes.php)
EMotion:EmPower EMotion - Elevated Heart Motion Your Motion of Elevated Feeling
(#em) Really focus on Heart-Feels on day 5 of each ascension (link ascensions/asc_intro/dots_bars.php#em) |
(#em) EMotion: Your Motion of Elevaaed Feeling --- (used anchor in ascensions/asc_intro/dots_bars.php#em) Elevated Em-Motion of Your Heart
(#asif) (used ascensions/asc_intro/dots_bars.php#asif) "AS IF"
YOur Desires are already Manifested! Practice feeling Body RUSH, Goosebumps!
FEEL AS-IF 'IT' Is Already Yours!
#goose (Affirmation Chills, Tingles of Electro-Magnetic Energy, Full Body Rushes -- linked from lots of pages)
FEELing the FEELS! | |
Supress and Pack the down, either comes back in greater intensity and/or blocks the path for forfiveness and growth Processing the BETA is the fundimental of healing |
#forgiveness | |
YOU | |
Others |
One of the best ways to reprogram the mind is to Simply act as if a lot of people are waiting to become the best versions of themselves why are you waiting walk in your Galactic Spirit today. Do it again tomorrow. And do it again the next day. As you continue to act as if your brain will reprogram itself to suit yournew habits and choices. It's really that simple, it's Galactic Spirit mindfulness.