Electric Mental Self (4D):
Your Mind heals with Laughter
I am NOT my Thoughts, I am not my Mind,
I AM Birthright Wholeness
Affirm Today's "I AM" Birthright
Choose: Re-Wire Thoughts into Consciousness!
Recalibrate and Self-Regulate Thinking
EFFECT The CAUSE - (not Cause and Effect)
Go Deep with Today's Birthright and Affirmation...
I Release Self-Sabotaging Thoughts and Endless, Looping, Mind-Chatter.
I Re-Wire my Mind with Unlimited, Neuro-Electric Creativity
Chakra of your Mental World:
Throat Chakra
Ascension Day 3: Activate Your Electric Mind
In Ascension Videos, notice how you spiral upward: Progressively transforming your Physical (Day 1), Mental (Day 3) and Emotional (Day 9) into Spirit (Day 13). With each day and 13-day Ascension, you'll expand your Electro-Magnetic Auric Field (Chakras) to pulse bigger and brighter and "travel" deeper and farther into 5th Dimensional Galactic Spirit.
All Chakras are integral to your Galactic Spirit. All 7 Chakras (and 7 Plasmas) have have multi-dimensional properties of each other. Example: Your Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Chakras holistically support your "Mental" Chakras