Feb 22, 2025

Self Actualization: FEEL Your B.E.T.A.s

Observe and SHIFT Pain Body
B.eliefs, E.motions, T.houghts and A.ctions

Coming Soon

LIGHT Body OR Pain Body

I share from Experience (not what I think I know)
Experience = FEELs = Integrated Wholeness

JL: maybe have a page/section, Birthrights and BETAs (have intro and then rest is membership level) - ONE Birthright a day teach us a lot about ourselves and to shift from Old/Self-Sabotaging Beliefs of 3D into our %D Spiritual Essence - Rewire BETA Patterns

Emotional Intelligence: "is defined as the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as recognize and influence the emotions of those around you."- Emotional discernment

Self-Reflection is the key to Self-Realization

Through Observation and neutrality reflect on
thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions.

Dig deep and deeper to identify the root issue, which is
most likely a pre-conditioned, illusionary belief that became
a self-sabotaging habit

The Alchemy of BETA Scans

BODY + MIND + SPEACH: Full Multi-Dimensional Integration

Moon - Pure Consciousness

Emotional Intelligence
Emotional denial

Take Pause!

Quantum "Clair" Inner-Connectivity

Secret to Physic Mastery and
Multi-Dimensional Exploration
is Inner-Connectivity

Tasting Your Smell and Smelling Your Taste is pretty easy!

Unlocking ESP Castles will ultimately reveal "Multi-Dimensional Inter and Inner Connectivity," for:

  • Hearing your Sight

  • Seeing your Taste

  • Touching your Smell

You are "getting it, right?" ;-)