Your NEW Galactic Mind! Jami Lin promises, Your Re-Birth into Consious Wholeness! 5D Throne | Physical | Mental | Emotional | Spiritual |
(SOFT Launch: SB 7/12) scroll or click italic links (in blue title): Thoughts and Emotions | Galactic New Mind | Observe Your Presence!
Thoughts and Emotions are the:
Keys (and blocks) for greatest access to your Galactic Spirit
Most Inter-Connected and (usually, and speaking for myself), the least disciplined
Thoughts are Expressions of the Mind
Feelings are the Expressions of the Emotional Body
Which came first? Does it matter?
Command on Demand • Mind OVER Matter! Mind Matters!Thoughts are Emotionally Charged Emotions have Thoughts (of Past or Future attached to them) |
Re-Frame • Re-Calibrate • Re-Condition
Your BETA = Beliefs, Emotions, Thoughts and Actionsinto Galactic NEW Mind In your quick "self-reflections, "mentally check-in" |
Magic happens by feeling Grateful for
your Future AS IF 'IT' is Already Yours
Gratitude is the (literal) Chemistry for a Bright Future
Gratitue produces anti-stress chemicals: dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphin
Here's NEW Mind evolutions that continue to be of great benefit:
Integrate each Daily Birthright
as you will discover that each has
Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Aspects that
Inner-Connect with each other over time
Observe Your Presence! Be the Observer of your Thoughts
Be Self-Aware. Self-Correct and Re-Calibrate. "Command on Demand*" your needed Birthright when experiencing:
Looping, Monkey-Mind Spin and Mental Chatter
Emotional Reactions, Engage the Mind to Respond
Respond (YES!) or React (Nope!)
When you feel tightness in your Physical Body
This image is great and use Moon to Unlock your Cage!