YOU are a Quantum Human-SkyWalkerMeta & Cosmic DNA | Mind Matters | Living Light Codes | SkyWalk | Bio + Mind Hack | Octave Frequencies |
(SOFT LAUNCH: SB 7/14) scroll or click italic links (in blue title): Human | SkyWalk | Time Travel
SkyWalker: Walk into Future
Magnetize & Electrify Your Heart!
JL-FINISH and make link Magnetize the Law of Attraction as YOU Ascend your Multi-Dimensional Throne -- go to Ascension Initiation |
Sky Walk Your Light-Coded Birthrights with Intentional Thought
Perfection: You are a Human SkyWalker! Initiations are in DNA Map!
JL: FINISH, tie in quantum, torodial filed and DNA Activation Your Initiation into Higher Consciousness and Evolving Your Human into a Human-SkyWalker is in the Flawless Perfection of the Mayan DNA Map As you know the Number 13 holds a lot of Mathematical Synchronicity Spiral-Up Human-SkyWalker Octave Frequencies
Time Travel with Your Mind and Sky Walking the Light Codes
When you dream, allow mind wanderings or meditate, it's "relatively" easy to consider your mind traveled while your body was stationary?
Can you wrap your head around Remote Viewing (the practice of "seeing" unseen people, places or things with Psychic Sense)?