Earth Ascension |
13-Birthright-Days to Earth Ascension: Introduction
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Be Amazed * Unfold Synchronicities! | Keep it Simple | Knowledge is Power
Earth Ascension |
Insights for Earth (13-day Ascension) with
Yellow Crystal |
Amazing Synchronicities
YOU do not have to remember anything ...
Jami Lin built site for YOU as her offering for OUR SHIFT into 5D Evolutions
Your Galactic Spirit reminds You of Your ONE Birthright a Day to focus and..
Watch! YOU will be Amazed how...
Synchronicities unfold with
Today's Daily Birthright!
All YOU have to do is ....
Integrate, Observe and ENJOY the Unfolding Synchronicities
with Daily Birthrights within Your Personal SuperPower
Knowledge is Power:
Track with Galactic Astrology Calendar & Print Guides
Activate with Pineal Beats:Visual & Sound Octave Frequencies
Level Up with Daily Time Fractals
Jami Lin whole-heartedly believes
YOU hold the Power to Go Deep!
Understanding Galactic Spirit's "system" (Fractals of Time) and
and your reason wanting to "do it" or "have it"
Accelerates RESULTS ...
and it's Magnificent REWARDS!
Ascend to YOUR Next Level with One Birthright a Day!
Exploration YOUR Multi-Dimensional Galactic Spirit
11/10 JL: (What is an Ascension traditionaly and often known as a wavespell - do I explain that there are 20) 13-day Acsensions well? Each is same as 20-birthrights and thier (260) daily nueances? say it simple!