Feb 22, 2025

Go Deep!

Quantum Dimensions

Observe Your Mind! • Change Your MIND!


Ascend with the Multi-Dimensions of
your (Light-Coded) Birthrights

Thoughts Are Things!

'Time Travel ' with Your Quantum MIND

Waves (ENERGY) + Particles (MATTER) = Quantum Phenomena

Physicists showed that electrons fired through thin films or crystals would behave in a similar way, forming patterns like light does on the wall behind the diffracting material. If electrons were simply particles, and so could occupy only one point in space at a time, they would form two strips, roughly the shape of the slits, on the wall behind the film or crystal. But instead, the electrons hit that wall in complex patterns suggesting the electrons had interfered with themselves . That is a telltale sign of a wave; in some spots, the peaks of the waves coincide, creating brighter regions, while in other spots, the peaks coincide with troughs, so the two cancel each other out and create a dark region. Because physicists already knew that electrons had mass and were definitely particles, the experiment showed that matter acts both as individual particles and as waves.

Observing MIND Over MATTER = Brain EnTrainment = TRAIN Your Brain

The more YOU Observe Birthright Synchronicity,
the more You Train Your Brain and Manifest Your Intention

The more WE EnTrain our brains, the more Quantum Entanglement Creates
2-Way Inner Connectivity: Personal & Global Transformation

One Birthright A Day and Quantum Synchronicity
Earth Wave Spell

Synchronicity: Right People, Places, Things

Night Wave Spell

Multi-Dimensional Abundance

Seed Wave Spell

Manifest Infinite Potential

Quantum of Consciousness has 4 Key Aspects:

“The Creator Effect”  embraces the concept that we can create anything we desire through our intention. This concept has origination in the Quantum principle of “The Observer Effect”

This experimentally proved theory states that we affect an outcome just by observing an event, it encapsulates the power of intention and confirms we are the masters of our own destiny “Entanglement”  embraces the concept of oneness, that we are all part of the energy of the universe and that some particles are more entangled than others

When we inwardly explore the Quantum principle of “Entanglement,” we can connect with other versions of ourselves

We live in a timeless space of all ages, all alternate realities, parallel lives and our pure soul state

All is within our reach

Quantum Consciousness

“Every-where-ness” works on the Quantum principle of “Non locality”, that sub atomic particles can be in more than one place at one time, in fact they are everywhere at once in their awareness. They exist as probabilities until observed. We exist in all dimensions at the same time, beyond though including all linear time zones.  We can visit these places to find the healing and wisdom that serves the greater being that we are

“Holographic Healing” works on the Quantum principle that we live in a “holographic universe”. A universe in which the large and the small are the same and that the smallest piece contains all. This simply means that any wisdom we uncover from our other selves, any healing we undertake can then send an expanding wave of higher consciousness rippling out into the fabric of the cosmos to serve the universe itself

~ Institute for Quantum Consciousness (graphic and text)

Your Birthrights are Your Life-Affirming SECRET SAUCE!

Mind Matters! • Thoughts Matter!

SHIFT 3D into 5D = Waves (ENERGY) Into Particles (MATTER)

Use Your Birthrights to SHIFT Mind into Manifestation!