Today's Pineal-Beat 'Consciousness Upgrade' ActivationsActivate Your ‘Portal of Consciousness’ (Your Pineal Gland)
scroll or click italic links (in blue title): scroll or click italic links (in blue title): FREE [Video]! Reliable Manifestation Consistency | Another FREE, Daily Birthright Activation &
Ascension Video | Full Daily Activation
Today's: Birthright, 13-day Ascension &
ESP Castles |
About: Quantum Entrainment, Pineal Beats, & Crystal-Brain Vibe Inner-Connectivity
Quantum Entrainment & Pineal Beats: Light and Sound
Pineal Beats include the multi-dimensional, volumes, textures and depth to
Vibrate Sound-Energy into Form Pineal Beats were created to help
decalcify Pineal Crystals and Awaken Charkras: Third-Eye and Heart
Practice: Third-Eye / Heart Meditation
Combines visionary art and music with psychology,
philosophy, esoteric science, state-of-the-art
Brainwave Entrainment Soundscapes
designed to Spiral-Up Cognition
with Birthright Energies
Visuals and Sounds, nature sounds, percussions, pure sine waves,
isochronic tones,
subliminal affirmations, binaural
and monaural beats all woven together
mathematical, crystalline and polyrhythmic precision
The Binaural ++ Beats and Crystalline Structures of Galactic Mayan Energies
Blue Self-Existing Storm Birthright :
Pause and Drop-In to: Power Images, Music & Word Vibrations |
Experience 13-day Warrior Ascension
and Yellow Castle Pineal Beats
Experience ALL Insightful Vibrations of
Today's Birthrights and Affirmations
Crystal Vibes of Inner-Connectivity: Crystalline Structures of Your Galactic Birthrights:
For the meta-physical and neurologically-science minded...
Each audio is created with Crystalline Structures for each 20 Birthright Ascension-House
These Precise Entrainment Frequencies include each Birthright's respective flawless,
mathematical perfection and sacred numerology
'Pineal Beats' are intended to Entrain Your Brain, stimulating the Crystalline Structures* in Your Pineal Gland
to Vibrate at a Higher Frequency
which further anchors your Birthrights into Consciousness
*scientifically named as 'otoconia: crystal particles in the brain
Dragon 1 |
Wizard 14 |
Hand 27 |
Sun 40 |
SkyWalker 53 |
WorldBridger 66 |
Storm 79 |
Human 92 |
Serpent 105 |
Mirror 118 |
Monkey 131 |
Seed 144 |
Earth 157 |
Dog 170 |
Night 183 |
Warrior 196 |
Moon 209 |
Wind 222 |
Eagle 235 |
Star 248 |