Overview: Today's 5D Time Fractals
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Start Simple with the
Secret: Be Aware of it's Coded-Living Energy becoming Alive within YOU!
Reminder: Energy Flows where Attention Goes!
Unfold the Life of your Dreams •
YOU will be Awake and Inspired!
GO DEEP .... as YOU are Intuitively Guided!
Daily Birthrights & Affirmation
Your Multi-Dimensional Light |
Fulfill Your Destiny
Set Intentions with
Birthright on Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025
Kin # 199
Go Deep on this 4 of 13-day Warrior Ascension
of Intelligent Determination and Conquering Obstacles
Connect with Today's most concentrated Birthright: NOW!
Move One Birthright a Day on Galactic Compass
Observe Magical Synchronicities throughout your Day!
Activate! with Birthright Videos that include 5D Keys to your
Multi-Dimensional Light, Psychic Castles, Heaven on Earth
and Throne Ascensions
Set Intention & Manifest Gratitudes
NEW Beginning Days are opportunities to Set Intentions
and Put into Action any and all Galactic Time Fractals that you are guided
Pause with Purposeful Conscious Presence
Endings (marked by New Beginnings) are times to
Observe, Reflect, Self-Regulate & Set Intentions
for (in-the-moment) Recalibration
... and as always, Express Gratitude
Today and during our 52 days of Yellow Castle of
Multi-Dimensional Coherence to Express & Manifest NEW-Self
Upgrade ESP Connections into your Clairvoyance - Seeing
DNA & Heart StarGates
OUR Flawless Mayan DNA Map
(of all 260 Birthright days)
include 52 DNA StarGate Portals
Today's Self-Existing Storm |
Your DNA is eager for upgraded Transformation to
Celebrate your
Re-Invented SOULutions
There are 64 I-Ching Symbols (Hexagrams)
64 Codons in Your DNA → I-Ching Upgrades Your DNA
Upgrade Your DNA!
Integrate Today's...
Galactic Hexagram with
Self-Existing Storm Birthright
Each Galactic Rune also represents a specific location on Gaia (Earth):
every 28-day Moon, WE Light-Up Gaia and ALL Sentience within
Together, WE Enlighten and Unify of ALL Peoples
YOU Are the Light of the World!
Together, WE Light-Up YOU and Mother Earth!
Integrate Today's...
Self-Existing Storm Birthright
Energize Your Plasma Today: Radiate Your LIGHT Big and Bright!
Upgrade Your DNA!
Beam your Chakra Rainbow and SOUL too!
Track Traditional & Galactic Chakras on Galactic Compass
Chakra Rainbow & Soul Day
On your magnificent completion of each Week (flawless 7th day),
YOU Radiated each of Your Chakras and Vibrated into Your Heart Center (Heart of Your SOUL)
Celebrate YOU and Your Potent Ascension! Breathe!
YOU alighted with the Heart of Your SOUL
Radiate your Light!
Explore Heart and Pineal Meditations and Daily Chakra and Plasma Activation
Track Rainbow Days on Galactic Compass
Magic Turtle Day
If Magic Turtle Day: Go Deep with Double-Up energy on
If not, still
Expect Miracles!
"Layer-Up" Today's Self-Existing Storm
Daily Birthright of Transformation to Celebrate your
Re-Invented SOULutions
Insightful Galactic Messages
Embedded on the sarcophagus (shown) are 13-Propehetic Birthrights
New Moon
Day 1 (of each 28-day flawless 13-Moon calendar)
starts a New Moon with an Evolutionary Purpose
Each Moon ascends Consciousness upon the
previous using the flawless, Ascension cycle of 13