Warrior Ascension |
Daily Birthright-Ascensions: 2 Keys
(SOFT LAUNCH: SB 10/17 )
scroll or click italic links (in blue title)
2 Keys | Wheels-within-Wheels + Time Fractals = Inner-Connectivity
2 Keys to 1 Concentrated Birthright a Day • SIMPLE! • Ascensions Spiral-Up!
Today's Ascension (4) of 13 |
ONE Ascension a Day: Dots & Bars
Today's Concentrated (19) of 20 |
ONE Birthright a Day: Concentrated Power SymbolPreserved in stone from ancient Mayans, Gifted by Galactic Mayans Perfect Time Fractals of YOU-man Evolution
within 13-day Galactic Ascensions
YOUR Ascension with ONE (Concentrated) Birthright a Day is the interconnectivity of
3 Daily Time Fractals - Wheels within Wheels
Powerful DAILY Ascension
Dots & Bars 'Spiral-Up' Advancement
Concentrated, Power Birthright
to Synergize Electro-Magnetic Self with Re-Invented SOULutions and Transformation |
*and much more for your own discovery!