Warrior Ascension |
Example! Ascend with Wizard: Access Shaman Self & AkashMagnetic Manifestation into ( Intelligent Determination & Conquering Obstacles ) Ascension
Intro |
2 Keys |
Binary: Dots & Bars |
Ascension Colors |
Initiations & Dimensions
scroll or click italic links (in blue title):
Dots & Bars Ascensions |
Wizard: One-Birthright-a-Day
Ascension Videos: Beginner,
Intermediate & Spiral-Up |
Birthright Activations
Wizard: Shaman Self
Ascend during each of the 13-Days in Wizard HOUSE
Spiral-Up: Access Shaman Self & Akash!
Combine Wizard's Dots Bars of 13-day Ascension for Greater Enhanced Receptivity
'Macro' (Outer Wheel) - Galactic Compass/wheel2: These are the consistent, rotating 13-Energies that Advance during each 13-Day (Time Cycle) Ascension.
Day 1 always Attracts, Day 2 always Engages, Day 3 always Activates ... and so on ...
Day 1 Magnetize Living Potential |
Day 2 |
Day 3 Electrify Action |
Day 4 Electro-Magnetic Synergy |
Day 5
Day 6 Balance & Organize Fractals |
Day 7 Resonate Truth & Authenticity |
Day 8 Express Integrity & Alignment |
Day 9 Set Intentional Em-Motion & Heart Coherence |
Day 10 |
Day 11
Dissolve into Wholeness |
Day 12 Crystallize Vision in CommUnity |
Day 13 Live in Fulfilled Gratitude |
Your Daily Birthrights consistently cycle through the 260 Fractals of YOU
(Re-Birthing a NEW Mind) that EVOLVE YOU Every Day!
Easily Track on 13 Moon, 28-Day Mayan Calendar & Galactic Compass with DNA Map
One-Birthright a Day!
Days 1-4: Initiate Destiny
Day 1: AttractMagnetize Living Potential |
13-Day HOUSE Macro |
DAY Micro |
Magnetic Wizard (Day) in Wizard (Ascension)Magnetize Living Potential. Magnetize and Attract Access to Your Shaman Self & Mediumship into The Akash toward YOU. |
Magnetic |
Magnetic Wizard and all "Magnetic Days are Powerful "Double UP" Days (another example in Hand)
in Wizard Ascension, Set Your Intentions to Attract Your SOUL Destiny What does Your NOW FEEL Like? FEEL Your NOW with Your WHOLE Multi-Dimensional Light! |
Day 2: EngageQuantum Wholeness - Overcome Duality |
13-Day HOUSE Macro |
DAY Micro |
Lunar Eagle (Day) in Wizard (Ascension)Quantum Wholeness is about Your Choice to Overcome Duality! How did YOU Choose to Magnetize (Day 1) for planning to Electrify (Day 3) Accessing Your Shaman Self with Mediumship into the Akash? |
Lunar |
Engage Lunar Eagle - (Birthright of Expanding Vision into the Unseen) is your concentrated-birthright spark (micro, wheels-upon-wheels Birthright). How do you engage your Unlimited Perceptions for Enhanced Receptivity (Wizard)? Look with Imaginative Perceptions (within and without) to Reveal "Lunar Eagle" Synchronicities
Day 3: ActivateElectrify Action |
13-Day HOUSE Macro |
DAY Micro |
Electric Warrior (Day) in Wizard (Ascension) Electrify Action Engage and Entrain Your Brain through Your Magnificent Neuro-Manifestation Device: Your Brain! |
Electric |
Activate Electric Warrior (Birthright of Self-Worth, Bravery & Trust) is your concentrated-birthright spark (micro, wheels-upon-wheels Birthright). How are YOU Electrifying Unlimited and Inspirational Dreams into Shamanship into The Akash (Wizard)?
Day 4: SynergizeElectro-Magnetic Synergy |
13-Day HOUSE Macro |
DAY Micro |
Self-Existing Earth (Day) in Wizard (Ascension)Synergize Electro-Magnetic, Plasmatic Self blends Electricity (Mind - Day 3) and Magnetics (Body - Day 1) |
Self-Existing |
Vibrate Your Personal Galactic Spirit within Your Octave Frequencies of The Universal Galactic Spirit (Divine Matrix, The Field, Source) Synergizing Your to Electro-Magnetic Self as Your Shaman Self (Wizard)
Activate &
Express &
Days 5-8: Activate & Imprint
Day 5: EmPower EMotionEmPowerment & Elevated Heart Motion |
13-Day HOUSE Macro |
DAY Micro |
Overtone Mirror (Day) in Wizard (Ascension)CREATE! Get FREE, Personalized Reading every Day 5.
Notice Your ADVANCEMENT during every Ascension
Overtone Mirror (Birthright of Reflective Actualization) is your concentrated-birthright spark in Activating & Imprinting Your Introspections into Your Akashic Records (Wizard)! Mirror looks into Infinity to See, Sense and FEEL into your Endless Shamanic Self?
Overtone |
Day 6: FractalizeFractalized Vibration |
13-Day HOUSE Macro |
DAY Micro |
Rhythmic Storm (Day) in Wizard (Ascension)Balance & Organize Fractals as your inner and outer "plan-of-action" integrates all of Your Birthright Fractals, as you explore and reach higher and higher Octave Frequencies of Your Mediumship into The Akash Rhythmic Storm (Birthright of Breaking Down to Breakthrough) is your concentrated-birthright spark to Reveal Inner Truths that can be shown by Your Shaman Self into Your Akashic Records!
Rhythmic |
Day 7: ResonateResonate Truth & Authenticity! |
13-Day HOUSE Macro |
DAY Micro |
Resonant Sun (Day) in Wizard (Ascension)Resonate Truth & Authenticity! SHINE ON! YOU are In LIGHT! On Day 7. having Initiated (Days 1-4) and are further Activating and Imprinting Enchanted Receptivity (Wizard), now See, Sense and FEEL and Vibrate with Resonant Sun (Enlightenment). Resonate how you are Accessing Your Shaman Self for Receptivity as Inner-Connectivity to Source?!
Resonant |
Day 8: ExpressGalactic Synchronicity |
13-Day HOUSE Macro |
DAY Micro |
Galactic Dragon (Day) in Wizard (Ascension)Express Integrity & Alignment! In day 7 you Resonated with how to Express Your Enchanted Receptivity (Wizard), now with
Galactic |
Activate &
Express &
Days 9-11: Transform
Day 10: ManifestFEEL AS-IF 'IT' Is Already Yours! |
13-Day HOUSE Macro |
DAY Micro |
Planetary Night (Day) in Wizard (Ascension)Observe Manifested, Progressive Synchronicity! With your Whole-Hearted (Day 9) Transformation with your Synergized Electro-Magnetic, LIGHT-Self, Reflect on the Synchronicities that have aligned with Abundant (Night) Enhanced Receptivity of Your Shamanic Self to Access The Akash. Command-on-Demand Your Progressive Practice of Observing (big and subtle) Synchronicities of Birthright Inner-Connectivity and Wholeness. |
Planetary |
Planetary Night with Multi-Dimensional Abundance with Unlimited Inspiration and Clarity in The VOID (Night Birthright), Vibrates Your Heart Coherence even more! How are you DOing and BEing with AbSOULute Manifestation Certainty? Access Your Personal Akash Receptivity as a Fractal of OUR UNIVERSAL Wizardry into OUR, UNIVERSAL AKASH. ONE LOVE, ONE HEART, MANEFESTING THE SHIFT!
Day 11: IntegrateIntegrate & Dissolve into Wholeness |
13-Day HOUSE Macro |
DAY Micro |
Spectral Seed (Day) in Wizard (Ascension)Integrate & Dissolve into Wholeness! YOU have Leveled-Up by seeding progressive action to ever-grow Your Inner-Shaman and Accessing Your Akash (Wizard). YOU are practicing Whole-Hearted FEELings of Elevated Emotion to Initiate, Activate & Imprint, and Transform NOW ! FEEL Your BETA (Behaviors, Emotions, Thoughts and Actions) Dissolve Your Akash into the UNIVERSAL Akash (Wizard). Dissolve Your Galactic Spirit by Integrating into The Universal Galactic Spirit. |
Spectral |
Spectral Seed with it's Innate Ability to Grow into a Mighty Tree (Birthright) reminds YOU to Sprout Magnificent Flowers as you Integrate Your Enchanted Receptivity out into the world.
YOU Choose to be Alive at the Time of OUR Great Shift! Seed, Grow and Flower your Unique Akashic and Mediumship Gifts! Integrate and Dissolve into Wholeness: "Walk Your Talk" (Earth and Wind) and "Beam Your Radiance" (Star)! Again, OBSREVE how each Birthright Integrates with each other into Your Wholeness.
Activate &
Express &
Days 12: Crystallize Vision & CommUnity
Day 12: CrystallizeDissolve into Wholeness |
13-Day HOUSE Macro |
DAY Micro |
Crystal Serpent (Day) in Wizard (Ascension)Crystallize Vision in CommUnity! Aspiring Higher Consciousness no longer asks us to be a hermit living in the monastery or ashram. As Galactic Spirits (Light Workers, Super-Nova Souls, Consciousness Creators), YOU, Me and WE are being called, in CommUnity to UNIFY Humanity (OUR Global Human, Birthright) with Your, Personal Shamanship (Wizard) to
Crystallize OUR Universal Akash(Wizard) by Radiating (Star) our Heart-Felt (Day 9) Resonance (Day 7), setting-the-example to Raise the Unified Frequency of Our Planet! |
Crystal |
Crystal Serpent reminds you with Crystal Clarity and Innate Life Force to Initiate Passion for Your Enchanted Receptivity and Shaman Self, YOU must BE Willing to Initiate, Activate & Imprint and Transform Your Free Will through Compassionate Action. Command on Demand Serpent to Catalyze Quickening all aspects of Your Multi-Dimensional Akash? (Again, Observe how each of the 20 Birthrights are integral to each other, how each is a Octave Frequency and Fractal of Support for YOU-ni-Versal Wholeness - Day 13)
Activate &
Express &
Days 13: Wholeness/YOU-ni-Verse
Day 13: TranscendFulfilled & Grateful Progressive Evolutions |
13-Day HOUSE Macro |
DAY Micro |
Cosmic WorldBridger (Day) in Wizard (Ascension)There is no better way to "make it" (and to be happy) than to Live in Fulfilled Gratitude! The BLESSING OF LIFE is Living in Conscious Presence, Grateful that ALL Your Birthrights are in Perpetual Evolution.
In Crystallized CommUnity (Day 12), having Dissolved and Integrated into Wholeness (Day 11), YOU, Me and WE
(with Freedom from Ego)
Cosmic |